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Getting through Struggle

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Im negotiating a new job / needing to look for a new job / besides trying to work on my passion on excercise nutrition health and movement / need to find a new place to live in the next moth because of a attention seeking crazy landlord /flatmate women.

And without a job I cannot find a decent place, and without neither of these two, I cannot further work on my passion  ofc. so its intermingled like a house of cards ready to fall. And that house just was built over the last year. Its like I made it out of level 0, 1 and 2, but now level 3 brings it all back and just smashes me constantly.

 Im trying to hold it all up but it feels a lot like a water pipe leaking out of more holes than I have fingers to put in...

Question to you:

What do you guys do who seriously strive for financial and spiritual freedom and total independence, to ride rough sea? For me the exercise and WHM breathing is key but it is still difficult, and the biggest problem is, it feels out of my control so often because decisions depend on other people perceiving me e.g. "how much value do I bring?" and I need to convey that without begging or marketing my self like a lunatic, even though that would be my mode atm.


Edited by UDT

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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