
Your cognitive development is crippled by lack of emotional development.

1 post in this topic

Say that your cognitive development reached into Green and a bit of Yellow. Yet, your emotional development is stunted at Blue.

You are absolutist about Orange, Green, and Yellow ideas. You yell at others who don't share your views. This is ugly in practice and turns off others.

What is your effective level of development? Blue. Your cognitive development won't progress any further because your growth is bottlenecked by your emotional development. Your effective performance is also bottlenecked by your emotional growth. At Blue, you might be good at attending churches, but you need higher source of motivation.

It's easy to grow cognitively. But, it's more difficult to grow emotionally. Emotional growth is the real deal.

Combined with the right knowledge and cognitive development, emotional growth launches you into the superhuman domain.

With emotional growth come many other good things.

Edited by CreamCat

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