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John West

Contemplation - trying to "remember the answer"

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I'm confused about something when contemplating:

When I come up with an example and look at it, experiment with it, does this automatically create the deeper understanding of that thing? Or do you need to consciously try to remember it? Is it more subconsious learning or conscious learning? Do the patterns and distinctions etc. just automatically form in the mind, or do you need to remember them?

For example: I look at a book and ask myself: What is an object? What is a term? I call it book, but what makes the book a book? Is it still a book if I remove the cover? Yes. Is it still a book when you just remove half the pages? No. etc...

I realized that it isn't easy and relative what you call a book and what not. 

So the question: Do you need to remember this realization? And other realizations you have? Because that would be quite a lot. Or is it enough to look at it and realize something? Is this enough to form over time more and more sharp distinctions and insights, a clearer picture of reality and how things work?

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