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Loving Unconditionally vs. Being Ignorant

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Loving unconditionally, as it's shown in the picture. Made me question the goal. -The process is beautiful.- Like in Suffism, loving all as they are being the part of the whole, unconditionally, is a relief and the main goal in the life. This is very reasonable when we consider the burden of living in an artificial world and the set of rules that we have to obey. Secret rules and codes among people what we call tradition as a part of culture. But at the same time these have no importance to a person who loves unconditionally. There are no longer problems, no rush, no stress. Eat when you're hungry and love that's it. When you love you start to do things with compassion to help other people out to show reality. It becomes Plato's The Allegory of the Cave like situation for the enlightened. Do you think being ignorant is a low form of enlightenment? Can it also pave the way for enlightenment?


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When a person is enlightened, they have completely disidentified with the separate sense of self. They have a real firsthand experience that there is nothing in existence that is NOT themselves. So, unconditional love comes effortlessly because they experience the truth of oneness. However, attempting unconditional love from the average level of consciousness can only be abstract and ego-driven. If you still identify as a separate self, unconditional love is impossible. So, most attempts at unconditional love are premature and ego-driven, which is a hard bullet to bite. If unconditional love is real it comes about effortlessly. So, don't expect too much of yourself too soon. Work on expanding your consciousness and you will gradually remember your ability to really love.

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