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2 Songs That Illustrate Green vs Yellow

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So I was on an Alanis Morissette kick this week, and I thought I'd share. ^_^

Most people know her for her early stuff, but she's actually a rather thoughtful songwriter. I find her particularly interesting because her evolution from Orange to Green and probably to Yellow shows markedly in her work since her songs are so introspective. You can actually follow this profound change like a timeline from Jagged Little Pill (late stage Orange, emerging into Green) all the way to Havoc and Bright Lights (late stage Green, possibly emergence of stage Yellow), over the course of around 20 years. It's fascinating to me how the stage of consciousness colors the content and perspective of the work.

One of her songs, "Citizen of the Planet" (2008) perfectly illustrates Stage Green values to me:

"My president is Guanyin." Hahaha.

Then there is "Lens," (2012) which illustrates the multi-perspective nature of Yellow:

Bonus - You can also check out "Thank U," if you have not heard it before. It's the song that emerged immediately after a profound spiritual experience that seemed to allow her to integrate Stage Green, and it really shows:

There are some other artists I've noticed where I can see the change in stages over time, but few as obvious as this person. If you've noticed similar patterns in someone else, feel free to share!

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