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Oliver Saavedra

Trying vs Being mindset on habits

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So I‘ve been working on installing some daily habits the past year (day planning, clean sleep, not smoking weed, no fap, no sugar, meditation, reading).

I used to keep track on a calendar on my journal which I checked or left blank at the end of each day, it really helped me to remind me that I was building those habits, because forgetfulness was a big enemy, I also noted how was I more in need of instant gratification (relapsing) when I was feeling down emotionally. Noticing the ups and downs of my willpower to make habits teach me how I orbit around the process of change. 

Anyways, this year I began not making that calendar nor checking if I did my habits daily, I wasn‘t sure why, I just didn‘t feel like doing it. 
At first it seemed strange and felt like I was not doing my habits, but I was doing them, just wasn‘t watching the checklist.
By now I‘ve been succesfully doing the habits effortlessly, and a few days ago I noticed my mindset changed from “I am trying to do this habit“ to “I am like this, this is life now“.

Noticing that was very insightful to me, I notice how me and many people try to do changes in their lifes, but that trying mindset comes with implicit failure, the same failure I was struggling with the past year. I suppose one does not simply get into de being mindset right away, I guess trying is part of the process of being, but knowing that I have to get into this mindset for future changes is really helpful.
I also learned the degrees of commitment play a big role on habit building, one does not simply get into 100% commitment without getting ego backlashes, it has to build up, specially with habits that have been there for years and which are part of an emotional system (mostly instant gratification urges).
Habit-building is the external side of the mental-emotional purification process.

How was your process of learning the habit-building skill?
I‘m 23 and on the first years of the self-actualization path, and would love to read your experiences:D

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