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THE NOW = INFINTE Intersection of Infinte Realities

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I am not familiar with the terms solopisms / nihilism (unsure if they are the same thing - the idea that only I (as the ego-self) exist and the "others" do not exist separate from my existence.

That is not what I am sharing in this post.

Rather, it's a version of that which I believe is the case.

As there are infinte possibilities at each passing moment and I only have access to my POV, what happens next is known to me, in MY dream.

Others who appear in my dream (all of you, my family memebrs) are a reflection of my current state / experieince. 

Each passing moment, the others who exist in that frame are an intersection with my frame.

for example, my brother and I ten years ago, are not the same today.
same as my parents and everyone else.

It could be that the frame where my brother and I 10 years ago were in together, could look infintely / significantly different than my frame as of today.

i could have died in a version of reality for him or something else

the point being, i am always "alive" or here/now in my POV and frame of reference

had a bit of this insight from watching that new netflix show...

for example, if i "die" in a car crash on my way to work, i might wake up instantly and still find that i didn't leave the bed...

others die in your version of the dream..

but your dream cannot continue without you

infinte possibilities interlinked during each passing frame/moment of reality

i had a bad trip on synthetic product once... i was blacked out for like 10-15 mins.. and my friends who were there descibred to me that i was screaming on the top of my voice for the whole time and yelling and kicking and rolling, we were in my car and they kinda held me down, but it was a nightmare for them

now the momement before i took this substance and my friends there...
if we take a POV for one of my friends, in his dream, i could have died as well and not come back after the 10-15 mins...

of course in my version of the dream where i returned, i have a version of him who experineced this particular story of me screaming for 10-15 mins and then returning back

each of them could have had a different version...

and all versions are possible

all infinte versions!

so others who exist in your dream/reality/pov are there for that tiny brienf moment with branch out to infinte possiblities... and one of those include the same external world as you.. such as donald trump as president .. many examples. so on...

that's what the outside world starts to reflect what you come into contact with / think about

such as buying a new car and then seeing other cars like that in your experineces

it's not as simple and straightforward as "i am just noticing similar cars to mine as i own it now"

the fact that you are noticing them is what's imporant. vs not noticing them before

anyhow. kind of a rant here... 

so yes, there is ONLY MY VERSION OF THE DREAM ... TO ME..

others appearing in my dream, are also me (ultimately) but are different POV intersecting with mine from their infinite stream of possiblities leading to that point and then branching off again.. but they dont dissapear as pixels turning on/off.. you always have pixels in your awareness which will be intersecting with yours

my mother who i saw yesterday, is not the same mother today

not in the conventional scientific sense that the atoms which made her up are now different and replaced

but rather, the whole deal..

heck, forget yesterday, this is the case each passing "second"

Love Is The Answer

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