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Meaning of Respect and its Value

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^ This link I find to be a very good breakdown on how to define respect because those in society definitely do not adhere to any specific definitions and its largely relative to them.

The tl;dr is that there are mainly two big forms of it. The acknowledgment of what is being said or the obedience to align with their view. And likewise disrespect is the shrugging off or disobedience to their view, but it all comes to a single thing - following or not following their expectation of how you should behave.

A projection of what they want onto you. Very interesting to think about. Shunned for breaking their mold of you.

And yet you find that adhering to everyone's form of respect isn't practical yet you are shunned for disrespecting someone. I've seen the word respect thrown around in a very manipulative way due to society's high regard for the word.

I think a lot of questioning about the meaning and value of this word would be beneficial because it definitely can be vague at times.

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