
Just Another Bizarre Journal

3 posts in this topic


Hello fellow self-developers and casual browsers,

Thank you for spending your precious time on my journal. I look forward to learning from each other and growing as individuals in this community :) (Hence feel free to comment/pm me at anytime).

I'll end the first post with a brief summary of how I got into self-development.


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As it's the beginning of the new fiscal year, I want to start off with a clean slate. 

I would like to start off by creating a flexible routine, which I hope to follow through to the best of my abilities. 

I shall commit daily to;

  1. wake up and get out of bed at the decided time (6.00 for a work day). 
  2. drink at least 2L of water or tea
  3. consume 5 meals a day (maintain 40-80% fullness throughout the day)
  4. meditate for 20 minutes a day
  5. spend 30 minutes on Life purpose (LP) and journal
  6. spend 30 minutes studying Japanese

commit weekly to;

  1. work-out at least 3 times
  2. socialise among friends and create at least 1 new friend
  3. cook/prep 3 home meals
  4. practice a musical instrument twice
  5. watch Leo's weekly video
  6. contact family members and friends

commit monthly to;

  1. clean/maintain my living and work space
  2. assess my financial situation
  3. travel to a new place
  4. try something new (activity)
  5. relax at the onsen (Japanese hot spring, there's one in my town ^_^)

Hopefully if I stick to this schedule I won't have time to do these things, but things to avoid for me are;

  1. Excessive time on SM (more than 30 mins a day)
  2. Excessive thinking, especially with negative thinking
  3. Games
  4. Porn
  5. manga

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It's been roughly 3 months and I have managed to follow through on some of the habits I had set myself. I noticed that I burn myself out after a few productive days, which is causing me to fall back into unhealthy habits. In order to tackle this, I will become more orderly during the morning before work and be ready for an early night during the weekdays. Here is my weekday morning routine;

Weekday Morning Routine


5.30 – Get out of bed, drink some water and start meditating

5.55 – Read core values and affirmations

6.05 – Drink another cup of water and start stretching (foam rolling or yoga)

6.25 – Eat a fruit (banana, apple..anything in lying around the house)

6.30 – Workout routine (Stronglift 5x5)

7.00 – Protein shake, shower and get ready for work

7.20 – Eat breakfast and browse news

7.55 – Go to work

Edited by AleAle

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