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Why a Thought can never Deliver the Absolute Truth

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Summary of own contemplation:

I have never had something called ''a direct perception of Reality''. For my entire life, I've only experienced how my mind has interpreted Reality.

But usually, the case is even worse. Usually it is the perception of perception of perception of Reality. That's how I've lived most of life. That's how virtually everyone lives. Here is how it goes:

Reality--->My indirect perception or interpretations of it--->Projected by me and reflected by other people--->Living according to what other people think.

Perception..of...perception..........................................................of perception................................................................of perception..................................................

Whatever input it is, it always has to come through that bastard yapping in the head..either consciously or unconsciously. The mind is the entire network of arbitrary and groundless concepts which operates through cues and language. Each element is groundless in itself but as a network the whole thing reflects a mirage of something called real meaning or truth.

Think about it. Do you have multiple sources of knowledge? NO. It's only your own mind, through which this entirety of perception is interpreted. The source that says I'm a loser and the source that says I'm a winner; are they two different sources? No they are the same source. The only source of cognition.

So what can you trust? Nothing. All knowledge is arbitrary. There is no such thing as objective knowledge. All are arbitrary contents in consciousness. 

The only thing you can verify for yourself is your own existence. Being aware of being aware. That's the only authentic, genuine knowledge that's possible to know by any being on any plane.

Once you see this, fascination with contents that bind you lessons. You naturally skew towards the untainted witnessing position and discover your true home there all along.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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