
Energy in Crystals: Have you experienced this?

4 posts in this topic

Hey everyone!

        I am a pretty (for a lack of better words) practical-thinking, agnostic/atheist leaning individual. My coworker had this crystal that she hung in one of her cars that gave her non-stop issues. She then put the crystal in her new car that she bought to replace the previous one once it broke down. She said that she would go out to her new car multiple times to see her car lights turning off and on, and her locks going up and down. She finally took the small quartz crystal out of her car and her car never had the issues again. A few years later, her T.V. randomly gives out. I ask her if her crystal was in her room with her T.V. and she said it was. She then put the crystal in the outside storage. Within a couple of days, the electrical transformer goes wonky and takes out the power to her house. I told her I had an enemy's property I wanted to secretly plant the crystal on.

          On the drive home after picking up the crystal, I decide to test it out. I put the crystal on my phone for maybe 5 minutes, and then I pick up my phone to see if anything happened. My phone was tweaking out and no matter how many times I exited out of the GPS, it would come back on once I clicked the home screen. I restarted my phone and it did it a couple more times, then it went away. My boyfriend wanted to see this for himself so we put the crystal on his phone for close to an hour when we went out for dinner. When we came back, we discovered that his phone would start up music randomly, delete apps and messages, and would type random letters and numbers when you clicked on a different letter.

      I thought crystals were simply a hippy belief, but this little crystal has proven otherwise. I have asked crystal experts and they all think that has had many negative owners who have attached their negative energy to it. I also read that quartz can put off electric energy. Has anyone had this extreme of an experience with crystals? Do you think this has to do with "energy" put off and attached by people, or do you think it may be a unique quartz crystal that can put off a larger amount of electric energy that messes with electronics? I decided that using this crystal for vengeance would be a waste since I could possibly reprogram it to aid my life for good. I currently have it sitting in saltwater to try and "cleanse" it just in case this emotional attaching energy is real.

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I once had a crystal that gave me a tonne of energy and I couldn’ts sleep for days but that was a white crystal that I smoked through a glass pipe

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22 hours ago, Sashaj said:

I once had a crystal that gave me a tonne of energy and I couldn’ts sleep for days but that was a white crystal that I smoked through a glass pipe


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I had a few bad experiences with crystals. I'm wary of buying more now. Had a collection of crystals that I threw out. Read or watch a documentary about Crystal skulls from the skulls. Although most are fake, I believe there must be one which is real. They tend to store electrical energy I guess which make them perfect for storing any negative energy. 

Recently I read about the dybbuk box and it seems like objects do store a lot of energy of their owners. At this point, I would rather just stay away from all sort of crystals. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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