
How To Become Enlightened

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All phenomena is thought. 

Pure awareness is not a thought.

The ego is the first thought and the route of all other thought (phenomena).

Mental movement is a secondary kind of thought that appears in phenomena.




Ask yourself the question: To whom does this thought arise?

Your answer will be: To me

Ask yourself the question: Who or what am I?

Wait for an answer, your answer will most probably be: "I am this body / mind" 

Question this identification in light of what you have been told about the nature of pure awareness.


What is Pure Awareness?


The EGO is pure awareness + identification with this or that.  Pure awareness is the knowledge "I am" which is prior to this or that



source: cook-greuter.com 

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This is the direct path. Meditation is the indirect path.

The direct path questions the subject, the indirect path focuses on phenomena.

The direct path is the quickest and easiest way to become enlightened. 

source: cook-greuter.com 

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It is the EGO that is questioning itself in this path. 


source: cook-greuter.com 

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We're always attending to phenomena and never attend to the experience-er. When we attend to the experience-er this is called self inquiry 

source: cook-greuter.com 

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Personal insight:

Everyone is the source, but deluded by a personal story

Society is a case of mistaken identity. We think we are many, but really we are one.

Edited by White

source: cook-greuter.com 

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