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The Don

There Are No Objects

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It's only when an apparent object comes into existence, an object that is singled out from the rest of the totality and that singling out creates what we call the object. It's only when that takes place that there seems to be this focus of attention onto an object.

But awareness never really knows an object. Thought thinks that it knows an object. But awareness doesn't know a multiplicity and diversity of objects and selves.

Awareness has to first take the shape of mind before experience can be divided up into objects and selves. Once that has taken place then we can give one of those objects or one of those selves attention.

It is thought that abstracts from the seamless intimacy of all experience. Seamless because it is not made of parts. An intimate because it's close to awareness.  It is thought that abstracts objects and selves. Separate objects and separate selves from that seamless intimacy.

But in order to abstract an object from this seamless intimacy we have to first overlook our true nature of awareness and imagine that we are a subject.

So when this simple knowing of our own being is overlooked, at that moment, we, awareness, seem to collapse or contact into a separate object and at that moment a world of objects and others come into apparent existence. That subject can the pay that object attention.

Awareness is not the subject of experience. Awareness never actually becomes the witnessing subject of a multiplicity and diversity of objects. The subject and the object, they rise together that created in thoughts imagination. It's thought that divides this seamless intimacy into parts.


Me on the road less traveled.

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