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Synchronicity - What's The Significance?

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Any of you had this before? What do you think Synchronicity's all about ?

Something strange happened to me today. 

When I woke up I watched some random positive video on my youtube subscriptions to start the day off right. Anthony Robbins was talking about self-imposed limits and the story of people training elephants from a young age to believe that they can't escape from a rope. When they grow up and weigh 1000s of lbs this sticks and they don't even try anymore even though they could easilly break free.

Anyway this stood out but I went about my day and was looking on an Internet Marketing forum. A thread caught my eye and a post mentioned the SAME STORY. I've never seen / heard this before. And today I see it twice in one morning.

Also my parents had a big argument last night and the main part of it was my dad taking back a newly bought car because white smoke was coming out the exhaust (bascially the whole argument was based around whether this white smoke coming out of the exhaust was a lie or not). When I just left my house for a walk, I shit you not seconds later I watched a car break down in front of me and fill up the whole road with white smoke coming out of its exhaust.

I'm a pretty rational person but shit like this is fucking strange. Do you think there's some sort of significance around stuff like this? I've heard before that it could indicate something big happening or about to happen. Does sound woo-woo as fuck, but reality is absurd anyway so i'm open to the possibility

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Forget about it, the more you`ll watch the more you`ll see. It`s of no importance and gets you carried away to the relative world with its distractions and its relative values and truths. Weird stuff can happen when you are developing, especially in the beginning. See it as it is; weird and move on. People who get stuck in those events end up chasing aliens, visiting the psychic world and are in a developed sense, stuck in the magic worldview. Move on, something sweeter is awaiting you.9_9

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@Henri I aint caught up on it really, just interested.

Think it was a glitch in the matrix you know. If I don't post again tomorrow the Agents wrecked me.

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that crap happens all the time you just dont notice... anyone else reading should heed @Henri 's advice :)

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