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Widdle Puppy

Vipassana Meditation (Dhamma)

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Has anyone ever did a 10 day vipassana meditation course? They are free and worth experiencing. It is 9 days of no talking and only meditating. This meditation is very intense and I would say is perhaps the most profound technique for me but also the most difficult sometimes. this technique leads to enlightenment but it takes a long time, hard work and proper application of the wisdom. actually, one of the reasons why I love so much is because Leo basically shares many of these truths just he articulates them differently and puts them in a different language so to speak (both are in english though).

I've done 2. The first changed my life forever. The second really showed me that work and effort is necessary for change in life.

I've fallen out of consistent practice since but have started doing 30 minutes a day again and I hope to do a third course to set me on my way again.


Edited by Widdle Puppy
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Yeah great opportunity to grow here, I have experienced once recently this year. Keep going ;)

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2 hours ago, Taha mouline said:

Yeah great opportunity to grow here, I have experienced once recently this year. Keep going ;)

it's quite hard to meditate for two/three hours a day though. enlightenment work takes a true commitment. what you put in is what you get out, plain and simple. 

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