
Form/Formlessness Wave Oscillation

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This vision/thought came to me last night after hearing Leo talk about the double-sided coin of reality, how on one side it has nothingness and on the other side infinity. Let me know what you guys think.

I was thinking that maybe what's going in every day normal life is this sort of oscillating wave between form (what we perceive all day in the 'physical world') and formlessness (the source of all form).

I was picturing this oscillation happening so fast and outside of 'regular perception' that it sort of stabilizes into a 'continuous' thing or things, which we may call every day perception or Maya or form. 

I dunno if any of you guys are into audio, but when you have a particular sound grain or wave that is being played or oscillating at a fast enough rate, it sort of takes on a different form (like a tone or a continuous note with pitch). Another example is when a wheel or a fan turns at such a rate that you stop seeing the individual spokes or boards on the fan and it takes on a new, different image.

This is sort of how I was picturing this 'wave' which goes back and forth between form and formlessness in such a way that creates the illusion of the 'physical' or human world of perception. 

Anyways I just wanted to hear what you guys think about this little conceptulization that appeared before me lol 

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