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Sexual Shaming

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I feel like this is a topic that needs to be discussed. Leo talked a bit about it in his videos reagarding women (how they may be insecure about their sexuality and don't want to be seen as sluts in bed). That's one side of the coin.

What about guys though? Currently society is so messed up that when a normal male starts expressing his sexual interest towards a female it is usually perceived as rude, inappropriate, insconsiderate and creepy. And yeah, I know it depends on the context, social setting and the way you go about it. That's why approaching seems so unusual and hard - not only because the possibility of rejection but the fear of being judged. 



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14 hours ago, Neuroticon said:

Currently society is so messed up that when a normal male starts expressing his sexual interest towards a female it is usually perceived as rude, inappropriate, insconsiderate and creepy.

Yeah, but to be honest, a lot of it really creepy and inappropriate 'cause guys don't know how to do it right. It's one of the pros for pickup, at least you become self-aware of all these things.

I personally don't see a lot of shaming towards guys, but they rather emasculating themselves. No one wants to grow and take responsibility, no one wants to make hard decisions and work on oneself. It's easier to blame society and others for your incompetence, staying in the comfy arrogance.

and then they drink and call girls sluts.

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14 hours ago, Neuroticon said:

And yeah, I know it depends on the context, social setting and the way you go about it. That's why approaching seems so unusual and hard - not only because the possibility of rejection but the fear of being judged. 

You mentioned important facts here, but mostly I believe women get it wrong. Unfortunately many women or even society itself are not open minded enough.

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