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A silly indecision about a t-shirt

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So I really like this one t-shirt I have


It says "just be present" on the front. also, it's very comfortable! 


my small wardrobe... doesn't fit me as well as it used to... and so I need to get new stuff... 


I thought I'd get five more copies of this shirt! Wear each twice, lets me wear it every day. 


but as I was looking online... I noticed shirts with other messages... "be present" "just be" "be mindful" "be yourself"


and all of a sudden I lost identity lol. confused me. no, not in a way of like... like I was very comfortable with that experience of selflessness, I'm pretty comfortable with such a thing - but I couldn't reconcile the selflessness with the identity of "I want to wear this shirt 'cause I like it" -- the hinge of the issue is, is there a better message to have? maybe I should diversify and just wear a shirt with a different message each day? but if all the messages are all the same message... then why not use this one I have? 



oh! okay. I've resolved it now, thanks :) "why not" resolves it... uh... not sure if that meaning I found really gets captured by anything I've said here tho 9_9


alright. Posting this anyway out of curiosity of other peoples thoughts on the matter! let me know what you made of this, or ignore this if it's too silly to bother with xD 

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