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Fixing Self Image?

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Hey guys  I have a question on how to fix our self-images, in Leo's video he says that what we believe we are and the life is create our self image and it with subconscious mind somehow determines our future by our habits.

So is just  trough affirmation and meditation that I overcome it, or Is something else we can do?





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Read the book he recommends in the video, Psycho Cybernetics. It explains the same thing in more detail.

The main method is, in fact, affirmation of your new self image during meditation sessions. You are supposed to visualize on a vivid image of your new self. The key is to have as much detail as possible, this is what will make it work.

You play this "video" of your new self, in situations you'd like to improve, where you feel awkward, insecure or something of that manner, and present yourself as awesome, secure, alpha or whatever turns you on.

The main premise is that you are tricking your nervous system, because if the images are vivid enough,  it will seem real. Your nervous system can not tell the difference between something that had happened, and something that you imagined with enough detail. 

But the book talks about other interesting principles, it was fun reading it. I highly recommend it. 


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