Not nate

The Most Hated Alien Among You

4 posts in this topic

I understand that what I see and percieve are not untouched, and I understand that the handling of such input occurs to me before I have an opportunity to react to it. And I understand that at my best moments I am not reacting to it but living through it. And then I can breathe. But of course it is there ready to shape all that enter, and again every face begins to hate me. Every word begins to wish my death. Trees conspire to crush me. I used to shy away, now I can only smile and assure all outside , worry not, I am almost undone.

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This is not as damning as it reads and I believe I regret less than it may convey, but thank you for the kind response. Quite beautiful.


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7 hours ago, Not nate said:

I understand that what I see and percieve are not untouched, and I understand that the handling of such input occurs to me before I have an opportunity to react to it. And I understand that at my best moments I am not reacting to it but living through it. And then I can breathe. But of course it is there ready to shape all that enter, and again every face begins to hate me. Every word begins to wish my death. Trees conspire to crush me. I used to shy away, now I can only smile and assure all outside , worry not, I am almost undone.


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17 hours ago, Not nate said:

I understand that what I see and percieve are not untouched, and I understand that the handling of such input occurs to me before I have an opportunity to react to it. And I understand that at my best moments I am not reacting to it but living through it. And then I can breathe. But of course it is there ready to shape all that enter, and again every face begins to hate me. Every word begins to wish my death. Trees conspire to crush me. I used to shy away, now I can only smile and assure all outside , worry not, I am almost undone.


This too, shall be finished in a little bit of "time" ... Keep perceiving. You.  ;) 


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