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[Book] Start With Why By Simon Sinek

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This is one of the best books I read in my list. Simon Sinek, the author of the book, narrated very clear how great leaders started with WHY and inspired people. 

The best part of this book is 'The Golden Circle', which has three layers of WHY at the core, followed by 'HOW', followed by 'WHAT', and which is very much similar to the biological arrangement of human brain of limbic and neocortex. If we have the clarity of WHY we do, know the HOW we can do and maintain consistency of that WHAT we do, that's enough to be successful in any work we do. Examples of great companies, like Apple, SouthWest Airlines, Walmart, Harley Davidson, Microsoft, and people like Wright brothers, Dr.Martin Luther King inspires the way they changed the world. They succeeded because they were crystal clear of WHY they do things and people who know HOW to do had followed them.

I agree with the author's point of Manipulations and energy will bring the customers but that will no longer work. Instead, Inspirations and Charisma will have longer impact, when people believes what we believe they will be with us for long time.

Finally, I learnt, before start doing anything, just to think WHY to do that, then HOW and then WHAT.!!!

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