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Sahil Pandit

Deconstructing Western Values

1 post in this topic

Hello everyone, 

Hope you are having a great day.

I was wondering, what ideals in Western Culture (If you're from the US)  strike a cord in you, and you actively oppose? In @LeoGura 's video "30 ways society fucks you in the ass" and "A rant against culture" he lays out a lot of the flaws with this culture. 

I would love to hear about what things you are currently working on in regards to this.

Here is some examples from me:

1. As a young man, being more honest with myself and how I feel. Wearing more feelings on my sleeve and being more vulnerable. Feeling feminine at times and allowing that to be without judging myself.

2. Not letting others lull me back into societal values - such as drinking, partying, gossip, etc. Staying focused on what I want to do and who I want to be.

3. A big one, treating females as they should be, with respect, and not seeing them as objects of desire (THIS is really hard for me, but I am working on it daily by practicing celibacy.

4. Expressing love, gratitude, and an open heart for others. I see so many other men closed off, it makes it hard to see if they are authentic with themselves. I bet most of them are running away from their shadow...


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