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Strategizing Like The General

1 post in this topic

There is an entrance exam in my country for getting to university and we have a year to prepare for it.

I'd like to know how to strategize for it better although there are a lot of businesses around to give advice on that and I have heard it all.

My questions are:

1.How to handle the energy throughout one year, study more in the beginning or middle or the end because it is like a marathon.

2.How to handle the resources. everyone says stick to one book you've chosen and don't overload on books but I feel like it wouldn't be enough so what's your suggestion.

3.On a week to week basis how to focus my energy and on how many subjects.(There are about 8 subjects 4 of them being the general subjects in all majors)

4.How to set goals that would be realistic and how many subjects to focus on for special progress.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.



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