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Shallow Vs Valueable Relationships

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What are considered shallow relationships?  Is it better to have shallow relationships than no relationships? The problem I'm struggling with is that i seldom meet people that i find interesting or add value to me.  

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I think I would define a 'shallow' relationship as one that is very selfish and superficial - two people getting what they 'want' from one another with no real meaningful connection. In otherwords, two people who don't have an integrated world-veiw, values and beliefs. Two people who aren't fundamentally interested in one another's model of reality, interests and pursuits.

I would define a more meaningful relationship as one in which two people are interested in helping one another grow and be the best versions of themselves. Support and encourage one another. Have integrated beliefs and values and are on the same page in life. Not needy or superficial, not selfishly just using one another as a supply for their own needs and wants.

Is it better to have shallow relationships than none at all? In my opinion I would say maybe not. They are a distraction and drain on emotional and mental energy with no real true value.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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Why would I waste my time with shallow relationships? Those are only for the needy, insecure fellows.

Don't force yourself to have shallow relationships with shallow people. If I had to pick, I'd say have none instead. You always have the ability to find amazing relationships.

Edited by The Alchemist

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