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Fake Knowledge And Judgment Without A Clue

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Most people on the path. Have very firm ideas about what truth is. About enlightenment. What it is. Where it ends. Mostly due to swaths of self realized people who think they have reached the end. These men and women when they teach, then pass on their unjustified sense of knowing to people who do know even know the self. Eg most of you guys. Do not feel attacked I am just speaking truth. For your benefit.

I mean people think where can you go after the realization of the self? At the self realized stage. It would seem no where. All is illusion. All is a dream. The absolute alone should be held on to. One would think.

Yet just as reality reveals to the egoic man how false and limited his paradigm is. It continues to do so once again to the realized man. The knowing of the realized state does not change. It's flavor absolutely does, and it's implications are no longer intellectual or known but felt with the entirety of the body.

 So much so that the old realized state is then deemed just as limited as the egoic one. 

Why am I saying all this? To let you know how cool I am that I know these things. That I am advanced. Some might project onto me, and maybe rightfully so for most on this forum are guilty of some sort of that. Some even think it is their humility that puts them above others. Such is the way of ego. It is natural.

I say this so you know. You do not know. Stop pretending. Stop boxing reality. Your beliefs on truth are pointless. Your posts regardless of how intellectual they might be will bear no fruit. Believing me is also pointless.

Practice. Then use maps and teachings to understand your whereabouts, to swing from one tree to the next so you do not get lost on the journey. So you do not stop mid way before the journey is done.


Just a little rant haha 

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