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How To Break The Touch Barrier?

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So girls and boys how do YOU break the touch barrier with someone?  And how do you respond when someone tries to touch you?

Here is why I decided to post this. I'm a shy ( maybe shy is a wrong word here, I'm just not used to being touched by people ) 23 year old male and lately this girl ( I consider her a friend, but lately I've been thinking that maybe  there is something more than a friendship there ) began putting her hand on my knee while we sit together, she linked arms with me couple of days ago while we ware walking back to our lecture after the brake, a couple of times touched my abdomen in a playful manner, sometimes leans on my shoulder when she sits next to me when we wait for our lecture to begin.

This is something I can not figure out, is she like this with everyone? What is her baseline?

She mentioned that she is used to hanging out with boys and that is what trows me a bit off about this whole touching thing. 

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Girls get annoyed when guys start seeing stuff in simple friendly gestures.

For me touching a girl happens most of the time naturally now but I've had to work a lot on physicality in my pick-up journey and well I'm not done yet.

Even asking her about it sounds creepy, like...Hello there Martha, the way you touched me on that and that ocassion made me think maybe we should be more than friends ?
*Poor Martha runs away*

Actually, you never know, so if you want more from her, well, try to kiss her and if it doesn't work out, well, whatever, you were at least true to yourself.

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