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Hi guys! 

So I have got this problem of thinking a lot about stuff.I was always an analytic person and until now it helped me from time to time but I wanted to know your opinion about when is it too much.

I have problems on seeing the fine line between healthy analyzing and thinking too much.

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I have the same problem @AndreeaM  what it helped me a lot to stop the monkey mind was the mindful meditation.

In fact, any meditation helps to stop the thinking habit.

Check the Leo video "mindful meditation". Now I am almost not thinking compared to when I began to see self-help videos.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse Hi. Great question! I've been there and done that - I still do at times. Like you, I consider myself an analytical person and my monkey mind ran riot. Meditation, in its many forms, is of great value in slowing down the thoughts and finding inner quiet. Being present in the moment also helps. So too, is letting go of expectations / outcomes and / or trying to control the world around you. Acceptance is also key.

I am more able now to quiet my mind as I can let go of outcomes, trying to control things and just accepting what is. My sister struggles a lot with over-thinking and it can cause her much distress.

Dr Phil has a method which he says anyone can use to help them find out if a behaviour contributes to your enjoyment of life or if it is contaminating your life. It's a simple question: ask yourself if your behaviour is interfering with you or other people having a positive, happy and healthy life. If the behaviour is, then it is something you should considering changing. 

For example, my sister has told me that often when she goes to bed, she starts to ruminate over her day. She thinks about things she could have or should have done or said. Then she scolds herself in her thoughts for her perceived wrongs / inadaquacies. This then prevents her from drifting off to a peaceful sleep. So, she tosses and turns, getting more and more frustrated and angry. Then she starts to worry about not getting enough sleep and being too tired the next day. So, she gets up and has drink and something eat; then tries going back to bed. And so on it goes - sometimes for hours and leading to her crying! In the meantime, all of her movement and tossing and turning disturbs her fiancé's sleep, often waking him. This causes him annoyance as he needs to get up very early for work. Ultimately, the next day she is tired and irritable and her children have an uptight mother for another day!

So, there you go - I would say this is a definite example of where over-thinking is interfering with a person's and other people's enjoyment of life. I have suggested to my sister she may wish to consider the benefits of meditation and self development to help quiet her mind, but to date, she just keeps struggling with her monkey mind.

I trust this helps in some way. Best wishes. 

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