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Change In The Way I Act

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My new job requires me to work with the public on a regular basis. In my previous job, I worked with peers and like-minded colleagues and team members. Now, I'm out there with the general public, something I never thought I would be doing after my years of education and work. 

I feel more compassion towards people. Don't get me wrong, I'm more likely to want to be alone than with a group. But I just have this desire to help people. 

This evening, I saw a side of me I never thought I was capable of. I did not hesitate to offer assistance to someone in need. I just felt compelled to do this for them, whether they appreciate it or not. 

It's strange though, with certain people I've given up on the caring and compassion, offering support and caring. Maybe because I feel like they just don't care. I don't know. It's an interesting feeling. 

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