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Concentration Meditation Click Tracks 2mins-4hs

2 posts in this topic

After the little turmoil my last post created by attacking your belief-boat on which you are trying to float to the non-existing other site I would like to give something back to restore balance. (I am probably overstating my impact here)

Inspired by Leo and Daniel Ingram I created some click-tracks for the purpose of concentration practice. These audio tracks have the following advantages over using a metronome: 

  • They have a defined length so that you don't have to worry about the time
  • They sound more pleasant
  • I added a reverb to smear out the sound in order to create a better target for concentration
  • The tempo of the click starts slow and slowly decreases over time as you get deeper and deeper into concentration states

I also added a 4 hour track that can be used for strong determination sittings. After each hour I added a pleasant nature sound so that you have a rough idea where you are at (the sound of the second hour turned out to be a little soft so stay aware). I recommend getting up at 4:30 and sitting at dawn. That worked best for me and helped me to bring my meditation practice to the next level.

I hope you enjoy the clicks.

Edited by No-Thing

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Not sure if you have recently had an awakening or not.

I will just share a story with you. Once adyashanti was speaking at his sangha. One of his audience members who hd an awakening walked up on stage. Grabbed tge mic from audio and started babbling truths.

like he knows everything and adya does not get it like him. 

Upon awakening one does feel like that. Most also become very opinionated on the path. Enlightenment and etc.

I personally did shit like this for a long while, but the more you process the realization one has upon awakening. The humbler you become, and the more you understand that although you are truth. You do not understand it and the infinite ways it can express itself.

My point? Chill bro. You are at the begglinning of something great. Dont let ego hijack your vehicle and drive you off course though.


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