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Does Anyone Have A More Into Depth Comparison Source Of Different Mystical Paths? + Astral Projection Discussion

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Looking for any meta sources you guys have read or can share regarding


Here's a short story of interest :

So i was reading about astral projections, people claim they can see phenomena before it happens, or things in their dreams and it's real in reality as they confirm it after an outerbody experience, such as near death experiences where they peep tom the other room and hear everything, wanted to confirm wilber's thoughts on this and i read the following


first i read something to do with astral later i scrolled down and i saw different paths of mysticsm and it got me wondering about different paths

Are there any advantages or disadvantages of any path? I'm aware different schools have different ways of thought due to being a cult but it's quite a weird world out there when you go into depth, i feel like I know so little even though I felt like I understood enlightenment being nothing and infinity/everything true self being awareness, and spirituality is just another word for awareness or the perceiever .




 what i found on Astral :






What i found regarding different paths of mysticism

 wilber astral projection&f=false


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