Read Good Book, Lift Heavy Weight

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An online journal of intellectual curiosity, strength training, and personal development...

I originally started this blog on WordPress, but I'm officially switching it to this forum as I am a very big fan of Leo's work and am actively engaged in finding like minded people with whom I can share this journey.

I will be updating at least once a week with my strength training journal, at the very least, and will also include posts about what I'm reading and learning, followed by ruminations about my journey.

Check by every Sunday! Starting next week I'll be posting my first strength training log as well as an introduction to my journey into emotional imperturbability as taught by The Sedona Method.

I am a relatively experienced strength athlete and am doing my best to gather information all the time on lifting and nutrition, so feel free to ask me anything related to those topics and I will do my best to be a sound resource to you. Lifting has been a huge catalyst for personal growth in my life and I would love to share its physical and psychological benefits with anyone who is interested.



"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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Great post, I'm getting into fitnesss and conditioning this year myself. Would love to ask you about proper nutrition and recovery ideas for 3 times a week boxing training. In between I am hoping to do yoga once or twice a week, to aid my muscular recovery.

It's great that you are motivated to better yourself and I will keep an eye on how you progress with your development. Maybe we can help motivate each other once I decide what I am going to commit to for the next 12-month/24-month timeframe?

And yes I think it's a good idea to move your blog over here to support the site. I can see this forum becoming really large and detailed in the next 6-12 months.


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Are you going for strongman or bodybuilder? What do you think about Alan Thrall or Bradley Martin?

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@Jackthelad Hey hey! Nice to meet you. I would love to share whatever I know with you in order to aide your journey in becoming stronger/ more fit. I'm not an expert, but I do have some experience. At the very least I can point you in the right directions and help you to avoid traps and pitfalls along the way.

And yes, I wold love to correspond with you in the future and help motivate each other to achieve our goals.

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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@The Alchemist

I'm actually training as a powerlifting competitor at the moment. I did strongman briefly but getting access to equipment is a little difficult. Not only that, but the only way to make anything of yourself in the sport is if you're the biggest and strongest in the world. Powerlifting is a little more democratic in terms of access to equipment and more opportunities to compete with people in your age group, weight class, and competition preference (raw, single ply gear, multi ply gear, etc).

I don't know who either of those two guys are lol.

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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