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For anyone who thinks they will move to a big city and bring girls to their apartment

4 posts in this topic

Women don't think the same as you. Their approach to sex and relationships is gamified. Of course they aren't the same as you AKA wanting to have more sex. If that was the case, they would approach you, just like has happened and will happen with, let's say, an Australian or UK girl, it's completely effortless to get women from countries in which they have an actual sex drive.

They think of it as a game because when something has practically infinite demand and nearly zero supply, then the person who provides it gets to be paid a lot. A girl should be fully aware that a guy has zero opportunities and therefore knows that the guy is much more likely to put up with her even if her personality is a 0/10.

Why? Because that guy could be an 8/10 and could be obsessed over deeply by a girl, but then he himself goes on to approach some girl on the street 3 years later and what happens? He gets arrested after being harshly rejected and humiliated. She is fully aware of the low sex drive, extreme aversion to sex and lack of opportunities caused by her fellow girls.

A ruthless competitor businessman would do the same. So I don't blame them, it's the system that is at fault for making it so that this is the way to move up in the world.

"So I need a computer science degree to get laid because females will stick to the best strategy around the higher male sex drive?"

Far from it, this just means that you can be used, you can have a transaction with a woman, but not that it will be enabled that she will have sex with you for the sake of it. If this wasn't the case, the "elite," instead of having gatherings where they are given access to eastern european women (and admitting to it), would simply do cold approach, tinder, etc.

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I think you should probably start meditating and maybe make some friends  

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4 hours ago, nerdspeak said:

I think you should probably start meditating and maybe make some friends  

Thanks for the bump.

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Can you state your point directly. I don't get the crux of what you are saying.

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