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was it a fibonacci spiral, or cascade

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Iuno if any of yous have a reocurring theme/pattern that seems to be like, the bedrock of all subsequent experiences on lsd or mushrooms (if so, feel free to share) but ive seen the same thing every time... and when i watch videos of the golden ratio/fibonacci spiraling dots (you can look up the simulation/animation on desmos or something) i find myself trying to recollect/remember if what im seeing is either... (1) perfect cylindrical dots that move in orbit around each other, or (2) this illusion of dots moving around each other that makes it look as if they were, more like the fibonacci spiral.

(i realize that is only one way to depict fibonacci numbers or the golden ratio, however im not terribly interested in that) unless of course im wrong, and it is what i was seeing... reason being, is it can seem quite similar, and i was hoping others have seen the same thing, so i can get an idea which one is more common...

... that is, if what you seen was either (dots in a perfect orbit, or some sortve fibonacci dots without a center dot breaking the illusion) As to me, those imply two different mathematical perspectives/roads to look into... obviously im looking at both regardless.

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