Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. Enlightenment is everywhere if you know how to look. And I'm familiar with the Qur'an since I was a kid. I want to recontextualize it in a non-dual way, maybe then I'll get a better understanding. But thank you anyway. I looked it up in the internet for 'tafseer' (scholar explanation), they talked about the other story of Ibrahim when he went to some king known as 'Namrud' and had a debate with him, here's a screenshot: Namrud claims to give life and cause death, by giving orders to kill or not, equating himself to God. Ibrahim knows that Allah can actually give life and cause death, but maybe he wasn't certain, or he couldn't understand how. Also, the actual story of my original post, according to scholars, is that Ibrahim must kill the birds and merge their dead corpses together, and then split the mix in different mountains. So, that he could see how God gives life after death. Does that help?
  2. Thank you. We tend to forget. It's good to have remiders from time to time.
  3. @brugluiz Amazing! I'm psyched right now! Would you please direct me to books, videos, etc.. that can help me have lucid dreams?
  4. Dude, food and sex are clearly not mere dopamine (pleasure). Please read the whole conversation.
  5. @theking00 What do you mean exactly by the word "ego"? What does it point to? I think that's a better starting point. It's twisted and paradoxical, because it exists and doesn't at the same time. Also, it's alive and dead at the same time. So, what's the thing that can live at all? What is life? What is death? What is you? I think that every answer would be just speculation.
  6. Only infinitely! Have a nice time, wherever you are. Cheers, and love from the beyond.
  7. @Serotoninluv I've overcome debating with others, made peace with my parents, and stopped suffering. All that happened when I made the distinction between being practical and being " a skeptical seeker of Truth". Being alone helped too much, you and others did too. Glad I'm where I am. Everyday it's getting better, connection grows stronger! I wonder if there's a limit!
  8. @Serotoninluv Thank you for being patient with me, and thank you again for your past replies on this site. You helped me a lot. Saying that something is correct implies that something else is wrong, which is not the case. All I know is what is, and it's correct. For that matter, I think it's very important to keep developing awareness. Also, I see, God did not kill the devil. It allowed it to be. Because: Formless=Form God=Devil Now, can I get to work?
  9. @Serotoninluv Thank you. I kind of get it. It doesn't need reason to exist. Rather, reason needs It to exist. Mind can't solve it too. Because it's prior to everything. It's now, and it's infinite. Throw me a banana! Let's live!
  10. I guess your point is that It can't be pointed to. Because every arrow, word, picture, sound, etc... is It. Then again, what is It? You may say: nothing, but where does this leave us? It's something that can't possibly be defined or further questioned. And so we can finally stop and drop all concepts and questions, etc... and surrender. What do you think? @Emanyalpsid
  11. Those are just means to eating food and having sex, which are what's worthwhile. Pleasure, is what everyone is after.
  12. Mostly, food and sex. Everything else is a distraction.
  13. And that's the only obstacle to enlightenment. And we're back again at square one.
  14. Doing 'deeper research' implies some realization.
  15.á'í_Faith "The Bahá'í Faith (/bəˈhɑːiː, -ˈhaɪ/; Persian: بهائی‎ Bahā'i) is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. Established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception. Currently it has between 5 and 8 million adherents, known as Bahá'ís, spread out into most of the world's countries and territories." Edited: thanks to @FredFred
  16. You're welcome dude.
  17. @sarapr You can't know who will understand your ideas. You can only assume. Don't let that bring you down though. I feel like you're reacting to that one particular case. After all, you don't need to convince anyone of anything. You might also use that situation as a lesson and a feedback for you to help understand the various ways you can explain the same things to different people in different times, cultures, situations, etc... And so you can become more convincing. Some people listen to logic, others listen to heart, some listen to others, others listen to themselves, etc... There's a lot to learn here (for everyone, and for me personally). And I love how complicated these issues are. Have a good time wherever you are.
  18. @ivankiss Imagination is not bad, it's actually a good tool for the ego, for the dream, for living a good (material) life. Imagination is real but... For the purposes of enlightenment (truth realisation), it becomes an obstacle, and that's why some people here seem like they fight it. Otherwise, the devil is very beautiful. I agree with you, some people here tend to be critical of every single word you type. It's kind of annoying, but whatever, ignore them and do your thing. I liked your post btw.
  19. Here's the trick: What are all spiritual techniques aiming towards? Death, aka no experience. How do you achieve death while you are still alive? Less activities, less stimulations. Take 'fasting' for example, you deprive yourself from food and/or water so you get closer to death. Why death? Because, I assume, awareness alone is the death of all experience. Death of the lies so you can see the Truth. I have a theory, kind of a map. Thoughts, bodily sensations, movement, and basically anything that creates experience upon awareness. Those are the main obstacles towards realising the Truth. So, what we're aiming towards through this process is to have the no-experience experience. Thoughts must stop, body must numb down, movement must stop, etc... I think that's what psychedelics do after all. I'm just assuming, need confirmation from more experienced people. @Leo Gura @Nahm you're the first that came to mind.
  20. @Fairy You're exactly at where you must be 'skeptical of everyone and everything'. The point is there cannot be a method by which you will reveal the Truth, prove It, or explain It. You are conscious, are you aware of that? Of course, very obvious. Have you questioned that? No? Truth can't be found anywhere else. There's no objective scientific experiment for Truth. But there's a chance that there is. Do science on yourself, aka your subjective experience. That's the real science, that's the true original science that was discovered by ancient prophets and sages, etc... Jesus did that, Buddha did that, Mohammed did that. They did not believe or trust authority. Don't believe me or anyone on this. Trust only yourself by doubting it to death. Best of luck.
  21. @Anton Rogachevski Cool! I wish the best for you my friend. I'm still at the very beginning. But I like it here, I don't want to empty my cup yet. My ego is still resisting. Any advice?
  22. It's not literally a 'level'. Just another part of the path which is you. I would say if you like walking, try walking for 3-4 hours straight, and see the magic! Tons of insights!
  23. @Mezanti Does it matter to you what your color is? It's just a map. You are the territory. You know better. I read your post and I've been there, I would say lose your mind a little bit, feel your body and emotions a little bit more, talk to strangers and try to enjoy it (it really is enjoyable and easy to have fun), give more attention to your breathing, do some charity work (not necessarily the traditional charity, but you know, help others who are in need), lose your agenda when you're not at work, have some pet, etc.. Maybe more importantly, go out in nature for prolonged periods of time. It'll give you exactly what you need. Good luck.
  24. @Anton Rogachevski Cool insights! Thanks for sharing. It seems to me like you're totally surrendered, and that's why you see the value of everything you have. I think it's time to transcend and move up to the next level. You enjoy walking?