Heart of Space

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Everything posted by Heart of Space

  1. I disagree with Jordan Peterson on a lot of stuff. But when I see him cry I cry a little too. Passion inspires me and teaches me. Not being correct all the time.
  2. Corporations are ran by some of the most wise and intelligent human beings on earth. They love their families, country, and are okay with the billions supplied to Africa for humanitarian purposes. Definitely do not demonize our fine American business men and women. Some of them would shock you with their brilliance and compassion.
  3. It is what it is. At least fuck them on a big German flag for me and show that German pride.
  4. If you know any cute German babes that want to migrate to the US for a green card let me know. *Johnny Bravo noisess*
  5. @Phil777 We have quite the breadth and diversity of social classes and populations. Get basic higher education and all your critiques of the United States go right out the window for that class of people. Germany is a shameful country, with a shameful and morally reprehensible history. And of course some of our advancements are from German immigrants. It's the nature of the United States, we are a melting pot after all.
  6. The FED is an extremely innocent organization (genuinely). Although sometimes they make improper decisions based on bad predictions of the future. Think the great COVID panic, they didn't need to turn down interest rates. But hey, when you're predicting mass human behavior and are getting false indicators what can you do, eh? You kind of have to count on the system being robust enough to handle times of strife, which was hurt by Trump economic policies prioritizing competitive advantage. The stimulus money, which was given to the government by the FED, was enough to solve the problems posed by the economic slow down due to COVID. Trump exacerbated the size of the stimulus needed to fix the economy by making our financial institutions more wobbly due to allowing more leverage in the system. Trump also somewhat influenced the FED to lower interest rates, although COVID was pretty spooky to economists at the time so we prepared for a Cat 5 hurricane instead of the Cat 3 that it was. The massive stimulus money, plus lower interest rate loans most notably shot up the value of house and car prices immensely ruining our economy (go check housing price index charts and car price index charts and be in shock of the mess). And then the democrats took office to clean up the massive pile of dookie left in the oval office chair. There's a critique of the democrats policies too, though they are mostly pointed in the right direction. Democrats tend to have a misappropriation of importance issue in their politics (like valuing the saving the environment over focusing on the immediate and far more relevant issues).
  7. Trump blew up the economy with overleverage. The Trump initiated rollback of the Obama administration Dodd-Frank Act was catastrophically stupid. The FED supposed to be independent but Trump be like "hey FED lower interest rate so American citizens take out too many loans." Trump be like "I like taking out loans because while it's higher risk, it gives me more capital so that I can make investments." Obama be like "Some of these banking folks are little too focused on short term competitive advantage (higher risk) with more institutional leverage (credit/loans), so we want to regulate that down and make sure our large financial institutions can withstand recession events without completely collapsing the heart of our economic system (large banks)." Trump be like "loans loans loans loans, nothing bad will happen loans loans loans, private loans, car loans, house loans *rap music beat* and don't forget bank loans, corporate loans, corporate thievery through stock buybacks is good cause it makes me and everyone I like rich." If you knew how good this economic analysis was you'd put it on the front page.
  8. This is extremely biased reporting. Ex-soldiers gathering with spooky looking black rifles and some intimidating dark synth music in the background. And then of course, make sure to conflate Nazi images with the footage to make them look evil. The description of events sounds like it was done by a young cute noodley armed hipster who resents his conservative Christian parents. Edit: Watched a little further and there is a huge problem of conflating a bunch of events and people into one big homogenous group known as right wing 'extremists.' It lacks nuance quite a bit.
  9. The problem of solipsism begins at the illusion of the existence of your self. It makes reality feel like a suffocating coffin if you think you exist in an isolated void of illusion. It's the loneliest possible existence, worse than being trapped on an island alone. At least on the island you believe there are other beings somewhere in the world, it makes it a little less lonely.
  10. I've actually done this. I disagree that it's boring. After a while each breath you take feels enriching. Daily mundane work becomes effortless.
  11. Why do the Aliens have to harp so much on controlled reproduction? Can a guy have arbitrary sex once in a while?
  12. Hey Leo, perhaps recognize the reality that people react in a hostile manner to honest perspectives based on facts. Perhaps in a society free of fools anonymity doesn't need to exist. Perhaps you would have let Copernicus to the public execution square when he published anonymously saying that the earth is not the center of the universe. A bunch of shitty smelly baboon peasants with unwiped assholes condemning a free thinking intellectual for truth telling. Think about if someone posts about their sexuality online anonymously? Maybe you'd like to keep some of the gay folks that visit your forum out of jobs due to internalized homophobia from employers.
  13. She's rebelling a bit from the obscenely obtuse lgbt culture and politics. Good for her. Although I think she could slide a bit to the left, she's being too stubborn and angry.
  14. I'm thinking about getting a hair transplant just like Jordan Petersons. The difference is that I feel like a hypocrite brutally mutilating my scalp and then calling gender assignment surgeons Nazi doctors.
  15. Meanwhile in Germany your leadership gleefully supplied its country with Russian gas after conservative Donald Trump rightly criticized them for it in the most embarrassing political interaction anyone has seen in decades. Germany is literally halfway to 20€ liters of gasoline and has to get bailed out by the wealthier, vastly superior NATO countries. Not only does America and the UK keep your lights on, they fight your battles for you with much higher Military spending per GDP. Perhaps before all these nuanced criticisms over social policy, maybe address some of the obvious existential threats that your country is facing and is unprepared for? Maybe show a little respect for the imperfect, yet vastly superior red, white and blue. Oh, and enjoy requiring government subsidies from the EU central bank to pay your 400 euro monthly electric bill and your 42% income tax rate as well. Your country is good for one thing though, extreme undignified arrogance. Utterly shocking that you would make any statement about the competitive nature of the United States. I'll be sitting pretty in Texas at an extremely high standard of living, low taxes, and six figure income.
  16. It's very sensitive and uncomfortable for people to broach this subject. I have a few opinions based on some major points of evidence about race that I'd like to share. This is not a thread motivated at all by prejudice, or hatred of any kind. Please do not respond with racism or claims that I am hateful. The races are not all the same. Each race is a population with aggregate genetic qualities that are different from each other. Things like intelligence, athleticism, communication skills, and so on. Let me cut to the chase in a way that might trigger people, but hear me out. Black people are genuinely intellectually inferior. Now, I'm not going to write you a peer reviewed research essay on why this is the case, but I'll make a few major points in the favor of this uncomfortable truth. Black communities and societies all over the world are far less successful on average. Black IQ scores are lower, by quite a large margin. Now you could throw a lot of arguments about environmental or historical factors. But I don't' believe that accounts for the large gap in intelligence entirely. It only accounts for a portion. And in arguing that 100% of the gap is explained by these factors you are in denial of the obvious truth that genetic populations vary. I think that we should all come to accept this reality, knowing that individuals within any population can still succeed in life. People should grow to be comfortable with these facts and view them as not that big of a deal. To justify the political importance of this topic: If you believe that you are equal to others in capability and are just a victim of bad environment and historical factors you can justify a belief in being entitled to equal resources. This idea pervades the politics of liberal and progressive black people everywhere in the United States. Policy idea's relating to affirmative action, or reparations. Or just general societal resentment towards white people. A true meritocracy has racial bias.
  17. Well, even with the difficulty of being banned I'm glad I made the thread. I never got to properly express my argument due to the thread closure and having to work. I'm still glad that the topic was discussed in what seems like a mature and respectful manner from most of the posters. Unfortunately, for me to have a meaningful discussion both sides of the discussion need to have a reasonable level of intelligence and understanding of science. Some of you I believe are too young, or too uneducated on the topic to really have meaningful dialogue. Having to explain basic widely accepted facts, or having to answer the same things over again makes this monotonous. I didn't get to share everything, but hopefully people have gotten enough from me to see that there is a lot of ambiguity on the subject enough to allow for my opinion to be based on a genuine intellectual curiosity rather than motivated by hate. And no, not one of you moved me even a millimeter from my position. And the best evidence was never even posted. If your lucky maybe I'll dig up the big one.
  18. @zurew I actually tried to link both studies on my phone at work, but my copy past function just failed to work. Your criticism of the size and scope of the study is somewhat valid, although that is the nature of a sample size; it's representative of the larger population it studies. They can't measure 7 billion humans. The other study uses 1000's of people. Brain structure does manifest in various behavior patterns and expressed attributes like intelligence, or like increased or decreased impulsive behavior. This is uncontroversial accepted science at this point. You know, at this point you'd think that you guys would stop accusing me of intellectual dishonesty and racism considering I've engaged every point the best I can, included modern peer reviewed studies, and have been polite throughout. All while working a busy serious career job, 12 hour shifts. I feel like I've mostly won the argument.
  19. @zurew Basically, I just showed you that there are measurable differences in brain structures and skeletal muscle between African Americans and the other races. These are two NCBI studies from the United States National Library of Medicine. There are a lot more where that came from too. It seems rather obvious, considering the massive number of measurable differences, that gene expression is different between the races. I'm starting to believe some of you would explain brown skin as African people just getting really, really, really tan (but only from the sun, not genetics)(cause that would be racist, otherwise).
  20. Here's an interesting study I found characterizing brain differences between races. What do you guys think? I think being open minded to the genetics explanation as at least a fraction of the whole explanation is very reasonable. Anything else is wishful thinking in my opinion.
  21. Here's a legitimate study on the difference in skeletal muscle between races. As you'd expect African Americans have a much higher amount than other races. What does everyone think accounts for this skeletal muscle gap? I'm just curious what people think. Is it environment or genetics? There's a long list if aggregate biological differences between the races including the obvious superficial phenotypical traits of hair and skin color. How are all these differences and gaps explained and accounted for? If its genetics, based on what y'all are saying is that the genetic differences completely stop at the brain?
  22. @Consept That is not really that compelling an article to me. I'm concerned with the IQ of fully formed adults as children's intelligence is something that is too dynamic to use as a meaningful foundation to address the race and IQ problem. They also don't refute the possibility of genetics as a factor for the intelligence gap entirely. And criticisms of IQ as an intelligence metric are valid. But it is more something that is used by researchers to put a number to intelligence as to quantify it to a certain degree. Just as having a bachelors degree does not necessarily make you smarter than average. It's also correlated with higher intelligence. This makes it an imperfect metric given individuals, but meaningful when extrapolated to the millions. I'll be able to give more thoughtful and complete responses to some of the posts here soon.
  23. If you guys want actual decent responses from me, you're going to have to wait till tomorrow evening. I work 12 hour shifts and I have no time to fully read your responses and properly respond. Not my fault, thread was closed on the day I made it and opened when I started work. It's way too much for me to respond endlessly to 20 people while working.