Heart of Space

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Everything posted by Heart of Space

  1. Pickup is psychologically poisonous for men in my opinion. I've never once had an inkling of interest in it what-so-ever. Most of pickup sort of comes from this sort of fucked up modern sociopathic approach to dating and extreme objectification of female genitalia and sex. You don't need to immerse yourself in this sub-culture to get good at interacting with women. Please tell me you're still in your teens. That's like something straight out of the football locker room in 8th grade. Remember, when everyone was a desperate virgin, pretending not to be a virgin, and talking about sex in the grossest most immature and graphic way possible? That's what you sound like. Pick up culture folks.
  2. Shit. Zero out of Ten. Avoid like the black plague. It's not a psychedelic. It's an anesthetic. Use if your goal is brain damage, or if you have a cough and you're taking robotussin at therapeutic doses.
  3. Yea, I've thought about making a thread about it for a while now, but just haven't out of laziness. Everyone seems to forget about mescaline for some reason even though it's amazing and one of the most easily obtainable by anyone who can order cactus cuttings off amazon. Perhaps I will soon. It's my favorite psychedelic. Probably the single best one for personal development (out of the ones I've tried anyway). Totally worth doing. Do your research and give it a shot.
  4. @Thomas Razzeto Really appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed and elequent response. What you said agree's with my common sense and it's kind what I felt intuitively, but failed to put into words well in my previous post here. Thanks, Thomas.
  5. Guys who talk about the friend zone are whiny and salty because a girl they like is simply not attracted to them, but is nice enough to keep interacting with them in a platonic friendly sort of way. It's also a way for guys to psychologically cope with the rejection because being put in the 'friend zone' is more mysterious and less harsh than simply thinking she didn't like you because you're just unattractive. The friend zone sounds like a location you can figure out how to move beyond with a girl as long as you can just figure out how. It's just more comfortable to the ego. I've never personally used the phrase. On another note, I've 'friend zoned' plenty of women. In reality, I didn't do anything at all, I was just simply my normal friendly self minus sexual or romantic attraction to the person. It's really that simple.
  6. That is just psychotic in it's approach to this. Here's how you deal with wet dreams the healthy way: Step 1: You have a wet dream Step 2: You move on with you life, it makes almost no difference at all No fap can be a good thing, but man ya'll have to curb your crazy neurotic approach to this. It's unhealthy.
  7. My lord dude, you're making life way harder on yourself. You have a habit, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Are you deeply ashamed when you watch too much TV or go on the internet for too long? Or drink your daily coffee? Or eat a do-nut? For fucks sake, this is part of the problem with no-fap it make people feel bad for doing something that's hardly a big deal. You're literally adding a ton of psychological stress on yourself for a fairly benign behavior and that stress adds to your need to continue performing said addictive behaviors in your life. It's a bad way to be man, no need to feel bad about something that's completely normal. I'd say that's the first step to quitting.
  8. No fap people tend to way overstate the benefits. But yes, there's definitely clear benefits. I'd distill the main ones down to simple increase in focus, will power, and a more clear head. This shit about how it shifts the world around you like you took a limitless pill is a load of poo. Definitely worth doing, but it's not magic or anything.
  9. It's your choice, bud. If the meds work correctly, yes they kind of zombify you, but that's only a temporary numbing of your extreme negative psychological experience of life. That allows you to take more action than you would have previously. If you're really on the edge with the suicide stuff and you're not able to integrate better behaviors and patterns into your life because your too depressed they are an option that can help you get beyond that. After a while you can simply get off them and stop being a zombie when you feel appropriate. It can be a good option for people like you, but again it is your choice. I just hope you're not irrationally shrugging this off as an option because it could really help you.
  10. Sorry guys, had a few drinks last night and transformed into a cu** for a minute. Sorry about that, I'm entertained with myself at the time, but I'm always embarrassed the next day. Now to go make this same apology post, but over on Facebook. Trolled my conservative grandmother on some post about the Vegas shooting and gun control.
  11. Lol, you didn't fully trip on Salvia then, homie. I'm not saying you didn't smoke it, because you probably did. Very common for people to not get the full effects at first or even for a second or third try. It kind of has a reverse tolerance sort of effect if you don't do it fully proper. If you had even a slightly legit salvia trip you are gone, G-O-N-E. Motor function is gone. Period. Sounds like you had the typical tried it once, but didn't get the real effects teenage salvia non-trip (but the slight change in consciousness caused a placebo that made me feel like I had some crazy experience that I call ego death, but wasn't really ego death). Salvia for most people is a trip straight to hell. Enjoy.
  12. My singular experience was reading your great posts my master Guru Maynor-san. I am little more enlightened form your response. Thanks for setting me straight. I am sorry, OP, I was way off base.
  13. Reminds me a bit of this forum to be honest. Around every corner is someone who had a singular experience wants to play teacher/guru and way overuses the word "fucking" for emotional emphasis like a pre-teen.
  14. You eat McDonalds three times a day? Dude, we gotta get yo ass on a better diet dawg. That's like the endarkenment diet, dayum bro. Jesus.
  15. Only a playful joke, friend. No need to be concerned though, I assure you the cries of sexism was just marketing damage control when the movie trailers were receiving (very valid) heavy criticism. The response was to poison the well of the critics by saying they were biased due to their sexism. There was no such actual sexism (no more than normal at least).
  16. If you thought Ghost Busters 2016 was a good movie, no we cannot get along. We just can't. Sorry.
  17. Op, I get your hate of psychiatry, it's definitely partially, mostly, warranted. Buuuut, but, but, you may actually need something at least temporarily to numb the psychological pain, anxiety, and depression so that you can start to create better habits and behaviors for yourself. Consider getting on an anti-depressant. Stay away from benzodiazepines like it's the black plague, find a therapist that you really like, and once the anti-depressant kicks in a works properly try to start introducing positive behavior patterns into your life. Like meditation, exercise, eating healthy, finding meaningful loving relationships with others, and so on. Trust me enough to at least consider this option, it may save your life. Good luck, OP, please update us in the future on what you decide to do and how you are doing. You're accountable to the people of this forum now. I wish there was negative reputation to give. This is literally the worst advice I've ever heard. Literally the opposite of what he needs.
  18. Another great thread and insight from the enlightened master. Thank you, great Guru Maynor-san. The real question I have is; If you riff, how does one be in raff? Video on point:
  19. I agree with the majority of the posts. One thing I'd like to add: Most psychedelic users are familiar with the description of tryptamines as an experience that "comes in waves." Meaning you go up and down in intensity sort of like a roller coaster. Natural substances tend to be much smoother roller coasters than synthetics in general. LSD is sort of a wild up and down roller coaster experience where as my personal favorite and often forgotten mescaline is a smooth journey with gradual inclines and declines. Same with psilocybin, and ayahuasca. This doesn't always apply, as I've never taken AL-LAD, but based on everyone's description here it sounds very similar to the natural substances in terms of the intensity of the wave phenomenon.
  20. That's a good question I've wondered about myself. I've always thought of awareness as being the thing that purely knows your reality and consciousness is the apparent content of awareness. For example, if I get drunk awareness does not change, but my consciousness does. As in the content vs pure knowing or being. I'm curious to hear answers from those who've thought this through deeper than I.
  21. @Leo Gura Haha, well with your experience and level of care you put into it I'd say that you can handle it. I'd actually like to hear your opinion on that substance, which most people (including my 20 year old self) say is pretty negative and non-comparable to tryptamine substances. I know I'm being off topic so I'll stop, but I'm just curious what your experiences have been like.
  22. Yea, that's how I used to remember it here in Texas. On another note, who the hell needs x100 extract? Lmao, so many poor unsuspecting teenagers gonna get blasted to an infinite hell scape.
  23. I thought it was. You used to be able to get it at your random smoke shops, but they quit selling it years ago. edit: Googled it, apparently it's not illegal federally, but a lot of states made it illegal.
  24. The difference between Vipassana and Self-Inquiry is that Vipassana looks to dissolve everything related to the ego. All your neurotic behaviors, thought patterns, cravings, and aversions. Everything. Self-inquiry goes straight to attempting to dissolve all thoughts and mental constructs that you have of "self" to get to a state of "no-self" as quickly as possible. Both are valid techniques, one is just more focused with a very specific goal and purpose in mind. I prefer Vippassana because I view it will produce a more 'complete' result, but that's only my personal feelings and bias. Do what feels right for you.