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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. Woah girllllll congrats on 16000+ posts just noticed. I keep disappearing nowadays. Yeah I mean she's not perfect, and I totally empathize with her. I'm as imperfect as it gets and I make do somehow. It's a dog eat dog world. Shallow is a fitting word for the way of thinking associated with criticism of that sort. She comes to bring a message, not to be a beauty model. But I think she looks very nice, idk how much of that is make up. I don't even care and nobody should. The models we see in fashion magazines are retouched by photoshop and are rarely above 17 years old. And even models will tell you it's not about being beautiful. I think there's also narrowmindedness. And fixations. Like only caring about sex, game, money, power... it's very one-sided. Yes, it's essential on a basic level, but you don't wanna get stuck there. Sometimes you have to get out of the muddy waters to breathe some fresh air and smell the roses.
  2. Oh yeah. Winter is awesome. Thinking of summer in our times makes me wanna work out all day and night. Then I just end up meditating for 10 hours straight and speaking spiritual cheese on forums. THE GOOD PART IS THAT IM HONEST AND AUTHENTIC I'm going to congratulate myself for the authenticity this time, for honest you always should be. It's a must.
  3. Someone like her probably. Someone that connects to what she has to say. Probably she has some severe wounds, considering she keeps talking about problems. Maybe a savior complex too. She has some great insights though. She's nice. But why do you criticize her so harshly? Can you say 1 nice thing about her? (not saying you have to just wondering what's up)
  4. I had been with guys like Zero and it can be a healing process if you allow it, Careful what you say, even saying "not worth your time", you gave away a few seconds to write that. Maybe you care on some deeper level. After all, you are defending yourself. I don't think anyone loses anything, and nobody is wasting nobody's time. We are all here to learn, listen and speak our truths. OR just have a good natural conversation. But in other terms, yes it's really valid that some guys see women as sex toys. It's up to the woman to become the change she wants to see in the man. I guess. Idk I'm single lol. Anyway, there is some truth in a previous post I've read, Teal Swan markets herself as a guru/teacher, and sells her work. In this case it's totally fine to criticise her work. I see some passive aggressive narcissistic tendencies in her, like she constantly has to prove herself to herself. But it's been like 1 year since I watched any of her videos, so maybe it's my fault for never watching the vids. I feel like what she shares is valuable and we all have our own emotional battles to fight, of course, so I won't trash her, God forbid.
  5. It's more than meets the eye. And it is how it is anyway, men and women exist, sometimes this has to happen, it's all part of the process, you have to trust the importance of discussion and argument. I don't mind the heat. It's spring after all, warming up ayy lmao jk I wonder how summer's gonna be.
  6. The problem with the modern world is that everything is being put a label or a price on. And value is monetized while money is just an illusion/tool - often misused and misunderstood. Find abundance (????) By value you can mean existential or metaphysical value too, or just simply something dear to you. Why do you all desensitize yourselves? Ever had a divine shakti empowerment/activation/healing, you'll be reconsidering the words you just said ZeroIsInfinity, idk if you really mean it or it's just something you parrot like a puppet. And ask yourself who made these rules in the first place and who is controlling the game, and then you can go and pilot your own life wherever you feel like. Don't limit yourself and don't be shallow, you can be do and have anything you want anytime and anywhere, it's just a matter of openness and understanding. Also patience is king and yes I agree with calculations and analysis, but in the end you have to trust your nature, and the nature of nature itself as a holistic ecosystem.
  7. Root chakra balancing work is essential if you want anything done like ever and properly. Fight the fear? Nah, become the Light Within. In other news I became hypersensitive to my medication and now I thankfully (and much gratefulness for it from my part),,I function super properly simply on being myself. I couldn't do it before, ain't gonna kid you. Honestly, you have to face it sometimes that you have a past. I've been sick yo, sick to the core. Haha I kinda laughed this morning on something irrelevant But anyway, just for the feel of it, I will tell you that cigarettes are poison. Or poisoned idk. It's kinda shady there, but hey, nobody stops you to smoke them. They actually help with inner core work. You train your body resistance. Don't do it though. It's bad, addictive and ceases your survival chances. I just pass on the info I got from personal experience. Also keep hydrating yourself but only when you need it. Don't ever feel sorry/pity for yourself for having needs. You are human, all of us are.
  8. I hope ppl get the references, where those apply. Used some Eminescu quote above ayy lmao Anywayy in other news I am having a sneaky feeling people are either after me, trying to hunt me down, or done me up. Interpret it however, it ain't my shiz anyway anymore I stopped caring at this point. The chances of survival are slim. I saw it in real life, I became It The King of Cups reversed and the Hanged Man reversed Smoked me a cigarette, enjoyed the threat of the intoxication. Btw I never done anything, like ever, like when I say "trip" it's just a metaphor. Things are illusory enough, I don't need people I like stalking me... What do I need hm? Am I in a dream, idk maybe I should wake up.
  9. Survival of which values? (I know all is One, but it's great to hear perspectives way different than mine)
  10. Isn't that pure unconscious identity autopilot stuff? I'm interested in finding out more about this. I'm open to being wrong about my own views and opinions about this. Please elaborate, I'm listening with attention. In case you would like to hear my opinion though, there are spiritual aspects to this too and you took it to pure material physicality, humble opinion.
  11. I agree with you on this. I like a dude older than me but he doesn't flirt with me out of respect and refuses my trials of sensual connection, even in my nightly dreams. It annoys me but he has my full respect for this. Integrity is important. I am 23 and at this point I don't even care about finding a relationship, it will happen if it needs to I guess, if needn't then no lol. I don't get why men think that women should crave them that much, or expect women to do so, or manipulate them into it through mind games, it's weird uff.
  12. Both men and women need to create their own safety. Cause if a grown man is stuck in teenagehood, he will look for someone to care for him, also vice versa, not to mention. If we discuss conservative/traditionalist relationships, a man has to provide and a woman has to take care of the home and etc etc, you know the deal. The new world nowadays is a total chaos with people in power trying to control it and suppress the madness. I totally believe in freedom though, but first everyone has to look deep inside themselves, if not, then in the mirror and see themselves as they are and people should accept and love themselves more instead of searching for the "appropriate" label for themselves when in fact they were and are always already what they truly are and need. Everything starts with "I AM". It's the foundation and the base of your being.
  13. Telepathic teasing and virtual stalking also counts as bullying, Cătălin şi Cătălina.
  14. Attention. Be wary of psychedelic, spiritual and existential trolls, bullying, marketing and advertizing. They can't touch you. Not who you really are.
  15. I used to be angry with my family for being so noisy and negative, and also for being so toxic. Now I am grateful for it because they show me where I need to grow. They are a reflection of me. The world surrounding me is a reflection of me.
  16. Everything has its limits and boundaries, but what can I do if I got so much love to give? Maybe it is toxic love though. If it exceeds the limit of receptivity... Maybe I shouldn't stop either just find the right place and the right time for it all. And discipline my use of energy. That's it.
  17. Definitely my pineal gland is calcified to some extent even if my third eye is open. It still feels clogged and blurred, my higher vision over there. Decalcifying my pineal gland is a top priority right now, along with healing my hearing. My hearing got damaged, and hearing damage affects the ability to think clear as well. It is correlated, as you may think of the term "I (/don't) hear what you are saying". It's fascinating how we as bodies really are just physical projections of something greater than life itself!
  18. It's not that I don't want to understand mom sometimes, I just mis-see the situation. It's not a misunderstanding, to the contrary, I have an elevated vision about her situation, like I see into her more than she would see enough of to admit the things I say to herself. I just got to be more focused and less critical. (Open my eyes to the truths, that is..)
  19. Today is a true Miracle Day in terms of Shadow healing, emotional trauma unpacking and getting my isht together!! First of all I did a personal hygiene and physical beauty glow up. I am really excited about it! The glo-up worked hella fine and it helped me deal with the emotional side of beauty too! It took about 3 hours. I found that I was extremely ego based in consciousness, especially when it came to beauty and cosmetics. The reason was that I didn't place the highest values of beauty to the top. Vanity... yeah, no. Inner glow? You got this babe! ^^ Working towards a better femininity also helped me uncover how much masculine/yang/giving energy I am carrying in my psychè. I am trying to heal and balance the energies out. This is important. Trauma about not being accepted, being excluded from groups and now uncovering the reason. Probably I was spoiled a bit emotionally and spiritually by my parents. I know most of the time when we use the term 'spoiled' we usually mean that said person was corrupted by an overwhelming materialistic abundance ***((too much too soon)). Also helping mom heal her deep seated traumas because now I gain more undetstanding about the situations she is facing. Honestly there is so much new insight and information I could share with you guys but sadly I am physically unable and unfit right now. I haven't slept. My mind is soaring in new heights but my body doesn't manage to keep it up. Infinite new insghts! ?
  20. Hi, I'm looking for news youtube channels or websites that provide updates on what is happening in the world. I never really watched news so I don't know which youtube channels are trustworthy and which are not.. would appreciate some help, thanks in advance!
  21. Thanks, everyone! Good advice and sources And yeah I meant sources* in the title not resources haha. Thanks for not correcting me though, but I still feel embarrassed over my gramatic error.
  22. This post speaks to me on a whole new level right now... Why did I want to throw spirituality away that badly? Something must've scared me back then. I sense an abundance of air energy, without the compassion of the water. Stable though. Maybe coupled with earth, earth-air energy. My chart is highly dominant on those energies. It's something I have to fight all the time because of the lack of fire in my chart... I recently did Aries energy meditations. Note, I am not an Aries. I simply wanted to cultivate that energy.. and it worked! I am more temperamental like an Aries, always wanting to fight against bs. I am also more connected to the fire and cardinal energy, having more passion and initiating things. Also the fire of spirituality. By which I mean spirit as light. But back to the post.. I was in a very practical and pragmatic state of mind. I feel like I placed existencial values far below materialism in priority. Like when I watched Leo's video on wisdom.. I was wondering why is money less important than truth? I was still highly spiritual at the time and also meditating, searching for the truth... but I could not yet find any truths. All these things are too subtle to comprehend in certain states of mind.. But then I accidentally found a girl on youtube who has so much psychic potential, her words simply touched me in a way that I never felt before. It was pure magic. I think I also fell for her, and not because of shallow looks, but for how beautiful her soul was. She was glowing as a bright star. I really wished I had what she had. That I could be like her. To share the gift she owns. I realised that her words couldn't be comprehended by normal human perception, you had to go the the highest states to get her message.. I was so determined to have her gift that I started meditating day and night and I had little glimpses here and there during meditation. Today I had a larger breakthrough. I did not sleep, and writing the fact that I didn't sleep feels scary. But I am a thousand times more cautious right now. Interestingly, I think I am also more spiritually mature. I re-read my previous posts... the first one (spiritually motivated) seemed normal and easy-going. The rational posts seemed for what they are: driven by fear and ignorance and ignorance through fear and fear-based ignorance. Also it sounds like a fool for some reason. I was embarrassed by it when reading it. But when I wrote that rational post (quoted), it seemed very intelligent. It was simply foolish and narrow-minded and back then my wiser writings seemed embarrassing.. what a thing. I feel like I am a tiny bit more whole again. Bit by bit.
  23. The traps and their pros and cons. 1: Reading a few popular books. Pro: read a few books Con: not enough quantity 2: Large quantity low quality books. Pro: explored various styles and realms, know what's "out there" Con: filled mind with many useless things, non-focused, non-goal oriented/lost mindset trap 3: New age freebies. Pro: vague knowledge of new age concepts Con: filled mind with useless things that were possibly dangerous if not being careful and well-documented 4. Underground old books. Pro: knowledge of that era, how things were in the past; some books were so great that I am extremely happy to have ever considered this option and this is a bigger pro than all the cons to this trap. Con: taking mind off important things, feeling like losing time exploring fictive realms, losing the vision of my goals and purpose through distraction 5. Comics. Pro: knowledge about the current social spheres Con: dumbing down mind with toxic bs Lessons I wanna learn next and benefits to work towards by reading books: New knowledge of mysticism, spirituality and higher knowledge Exploring new horizons Gaining wisdom Exploring and self-studying spiritual conceps Sharpening my common sense Gaining experience and wit Working towards my purpose General knowledge Discovering other people's inner workings Inner beauty