Giorgia Andriani

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About Giorgia Andriani

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  1. While meditating yesterday a terrific thought came up in my mind and I couldn't control it. What is that about? I'm trying to restore this habit because I haven't meditated in two weeks after four months of daily meditation... That made me a bit sad not managing to stay in meditation :-(
  2. Hi Leo! Would you ever try Ayahuasca? I'd really love to. This is one of the things I want to do in my life but I don' know yet what's holding me back!
  3. You know, I've been through that as well... this phase will just blow out of your way. You said that you're not judging them, but anyway you're minding their behaviours. This means that you're just seeing in them what you used to be, and this freaks you out! That's why you are so concerned about it! A trick that will help you is observing yourself when you're minding negatively the behaviour of the others... It means that there's something to be changed in your view! If you change energy, you'll attract people who match better to your life! And unfortunately, as long as you see the negative side in the others that's never going to happen! Cheerio
  4. Enlightenment doesn't mean being in this moment as in just inhaling and exhaling. You are not enlightened because you're there. There's a process to be done that makes you become enlightened. What helps me when I work on enlightenment is to repeat to myself that there's no self and there's no Giorgia as an entity... And just by repeating it again and again I transcend myself and I feel part of the everything around me. You need to take in the concept that there's no you if you want to reach a deep status of consciousness. There's just the raw reality without the filter that your mind puts on it! And you become the nothing and the everything at the same time... You see everything from the ego POV as you said.. But what about if you repeat to yourself that there's no ego who is seeing? Suggest you to try! The more you do that, the longer your status of deep consciousness is going to last! Cheerio