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About DiddlyDoo

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  1. Hey mates, I’m a freshman D1 college runner and am at a good point in my life, however I feel like something that is really holding me back is my lack of confidence and social anxiety. Especially around girls, I get very nervous and have virtually no confidence whatsoever. I’ve improved a lot over the past few months but feel like I’ve sort of reached a standstill. I also feel like I’m a little awkward to be around and want to reconnect with my younger days where I just didn’t care what people thought about me and I could act myself. I’m thinking the best course of action is to look into psychedelics to use as a tool to help me figure out what’s going on. My brother who is a senior in college has tried them and described a trip as giving completely new start on life. My question to you is how I should go about it... is there a way to have a initiate a certain trip that could give me these specific insights? How should I incorporate what I discover into my life (specifically to get rid of anxiety)? How could I make the changes last? Should I try acid or shrooms? How much of a dose? With friends? Where? And how often is it safe to trip? I really appreciate any help, Thanks so much bros. -Mike