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Everything posted by Brandini

  1. Hey Melanie, if you look up Leo's video on paradoxes, he actually brings up this exact one, might help to look it up. As for my situation with bad foods vs good foods, I find replacing the bad with healthier, possibly slightly less tasty alternatives. My personal new "candy bars" are peanut butter chocolate granola bars. Still tastes great but you don't feel guilty afterwards. Also, the cool thing about shifting your diet to healthier options when combined with consistent meditation is that your body wakes up from its "food coma" as I call it. Went to a sports bar for the Super Bowl and ordered loaded potato skins because I felt it was justified. Not even 3 minutes later I was clenching my gut in agony. My body KNEW I was feeding it garbage. I get the exact same reaction from soda anymore as well lmao
  2. While I've always carried a heavily negative bias against recreational drugs, I'd be interested in his opinion as well. I feel he would call them a possible stepping stone but not recommended past intermediate level users due to the fact it would be hard to be high 24/7
  3. I think it would be an interesting topic. I've heard stories of personal development turning vegetarians into meat eaters and vice versa. Personally, I feel you can't place a moral opinion on it without hindering yourself. Just need to go eat what your body tells you that it wants. It's how I gave up milk and most junk food
  4. With regards to focus, I do recall Leo saying that meditation is great for improving it. (Think it was the do nothing video) Basically it boils down to taming your monkey mind and removing any distractions that could hinder you
  5. Glad to see this one on here. I'm currently in my third 10 week session of this book. Not too far in personal development, I started last April, but this book has been a great help so far