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About Van

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  1. "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Rohn I second what @Nick said. Creating discipline begins with setting goals, and forcing yourself to do meet those goals everyday. At first it will be hard but after "21 days" it will get easier. If you stop it will become hard again (so don't stop). The book "The Power of Habit" discusses this, along with the snowball effect theory. When you create good habits, it will leak into everything you do (and vice-versa for bad habits).
  2. Release any strong emotions you may have (pain, resentment, anger, etc.). Even cry if you have to. Just let it all out. Now find what you enjoy; start setting goals and taking on new hobbies. This will sound cliché but true: life is too short to be living in the past. You have your whole future to look forward to, and make that a bright one. Stay strong.
  3. My favorite books: 1. Models by Mark Manson 2. Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown 3/4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  4. 24 right now, but found him at 22. Did not take his stuff too seriously until his enlightenment episodes.