Thivenitha Mano

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Everything posted by Thivenitha Mano

  1. Hello Everyone I just wanted to say that I've been following leo's words for a while now and the guidance has helped me in so many subtle and drastic ways. It comes in waves, all of this knowledge and ever so often you notice it in a big way. So thank you leo and a hello to everyone else who is reading. The biggest thing I have taken away is being able to take responsibility for my emotions and actions. It's helped me rationalise my feelings and helped me get in touch with my body and mind. So that I can remove myself from energies that distract and bring me down, so I can continue to power through my own life. Theres a lot more to learn and thats exciting. Just a little bit of background info, I'm a musician and I live in Melbourne Australia where I'm gigging/recording, studying music full time and also developing my own teaching program. I have just turned 23 and over the years I have worked extremely hard to achieve the things I have wanted out of my industry. As much as I enjoy what I do, the past couple of years however have been extremely emotionally exhausting and tiering. I try hard to stay detached from my students and my business as a musician but since music and arts in general is so involved I can't seem to switch off. My environment is making me quite unhappy. So is the fear of not making adequate money In the future in my industry. I have tried quitting my job, looking for a different career, deferring my studies and even going on a break from the band all at the same time to get some clarity. But my heart always comes back to my art. I have done some deep meditational work on trying to find my "inner child" but since I'm already quite an emotionally aware person I think I need something more practical. I function better when solutions are more pragmatic. What does everyone here do when they need to stay emotionally strong and focused on their careers, but whom also feel rundown by their efforts, how do people unwind and keep energised but not so that they loose focus? I have also been going to the gym and eating healthy its amazing what that does for the spirit Much love to all and thanks for taking the time out to read =)