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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. @thierry Are you ok?
  2. I peaked in college when I did an impossible volleyball smash and everybody literally lost their minds. Sports feats when there is flow involved is one of the best things you can experience.
  3. Excessive, cyclical and long-lasting anger is generally low consciousness. But if you happen to feel anger and you want to call yourself high consciousness, you should give it space. Consciousness is about giving things space; acceptance, not resistance. The thing about highly conscious people is just that anger rarely arises for them. When it does, it's usually very short-lasting, and it's expressed appropriately. Now, I'm not saying you should lash out at people based on every slight annoyance, but you should not pretend that you don't feel what you're feeling.
  4. I have a bunch of bookmarks you can read if you're desperate
  5. Then he would actually need to pay us I mean us moderators are not some hyper-geniuses that you should spend much of your time listening to. Most of us are 20-something year old know-nothings
  6. So the sun can still exist even if you don't see it visually.
  7. Self-deception is a consequence of being a limited being. Survival is just a process of keeping yourself limited. And because you're limited, you also have limited capabilities for survival. For example, your visual system works within a certain range of electromagnetic frequencies. Your ability to pay attention is literally about filtering out information and biasing your perception towards a specific goal. Your working memory is limited (you can only entertain a certain amount of information in your head at one time). The list goes on. Now, there is ultimately nothing "wrong" with this, but it is indeed self-deception.
  8. It's not a book, but it's something:
  9. I haven't read it, but it sounds very interesting. Yes, psychological death is like undressing at a very deep level, and when you start putting the layers back on again, you become more aware of how each layer relates to each other (or you become aware of new layers you didn't know existed). This undressing process is inevitable, and most people do it only once, and they really want to avoid it altogether. That is what I think reincarnation is for most people: you don't want to do the undressing process, so you instead want to jump straight into a new set of clothes while still wearing the same clothes underneath. I'm saying that it even if it's the case that you'll be given new clothes, you still have to take off your old clothes before you put on new ones. You might remember your old clothes some time in the future, but that will just be a memory. I've heard about it, but I know nothing about it. I've heard about too many weird past life stories to not think there could be something there (but again, I just don't think it matters a lot). This one guy Jan Esmann says he remembers all his lives for the past 2000 years. He is a very interesting guy for other reasons too. I recommend his BATGAP interviews on YouTube if you want to feel like a true spiritual weirdo
  10. I think it's because the extremes get more attention and it colors our judgement of the internet as a whole. The vast majority of stuff out there is probably pretty sane and normal.
  11. There is a bookmark function where you can save the best post so you can access them later all in the same place. But more importantly, what are you looking to get out of the forum? Do you have some specific goal in mind? Because that alone will help you to make the decisions you think you need.
  12. I guess my point is that the thing that is kept consistent across lifetimes is not the thing that will console your fears or the thing that compels most people to believe in it in the first place. "That" idea of reincarnation, I don't think exists. To put it more simply, you will have to experience death, loss or annihilation of the most "substantial aspects" (literally) of your current identity (the wordly aspects that most people are aware of and attached to). I know this because I've experienced it (psychological death, not physical death of course, but it's the same experience psychologically speaking ).
  13. I've tried to do them and it's quite powerful once you get it going.
  14. I don't think there is such a thing as a stable ego that reincarnates, or at least not in the sense that most people would care about. People project a lot of psychological baggage onto the concept to comfort themselves about fears about death, non-existence, loss. You have to face all of those things regardless of what you believe
  15. But Leo's best stuff is free 😂
  16. Ah, so that is why I visited Jan in a dream 🤔 I've actually thought about it many times that "he" was orchestrating it (if I were to put it in those terms).
  17. I feel like I live in such a weird world. If my real life friends were to know what the hell people on this forum are saying, they would think I was absolutely insane, yet I talk to both types of people nearly every day and understand what they're saying 😂
  18. Although I will admit that I feel like there is something rotten about spiritually bypassing terms like "gaslighting", as it sort of presents an aura of delegitimization around using that term to identify actual psychological abuse. It's like on the one hand, you'll probably say "no, of course actual psychological abuse is horrible", but on the other hand you'll say "you're just imagining that you're being abused!". There is a conflict between underlying beliefs and surface level expressions, which could be considered problematic with the right level of sensitivity.
  19. Jan Esmann is in Europe and he is known to have insane transmission abilities. I can't even watch videos of him, it's too intense.