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Everything posted by Highest

  1. I'm on my way to my job now. I see, I feel the beings around me on this magical train. Like it was my first time. I feel, just by getting closer to job, the presence of my beloved co-workers. And I know, when my job is over and it's soon time to meet my love, that I will feel her presence more and more as the clock is going around and around. It's a poetry to make into itself. Beauty to create. But I know, when I will be there, with her... Everything will erase... Even us two. And only Love will remain. Only love. I can feel her now, as I'm thinking about her. I can feel her love. It's everywhere. It's ever-present. This love.
  2. They say, "Kill your ego!" They say, "Annihilate your mind!" I say, "Why would I make that mistake?" No, my mind is precious. My ego is precious. My body is precious. Feel it, be aware and conscious of it. God designed, precision engineered and formed you in your mothers womb. So you could be here now. See, feel, be aware and conscious. Look at your precious body. How it's designed to it's very detail. So you could touch yourself and others body. Feel the sensations. Feel the emotions. He gave you life, so you could breathe and feel your breath. He gave you a mind, so you could dream to infinity. Imagine, create from scratch. He gave you a ego, so you could be the unique you. So we, as two, could interact and love. Feel our heart beat. Kiss. Hug. Talk. Be. Love. It's a miracle. Beauty in action. Magic in front of your eyes... So I said, "Why would I make that mistake?" Why would I... Why why why....
  3. God asked me in a dream once, "Who created you?" I awoke and... I looked at my mother and father. I found nothing there. I looked at science. I found nothing there. Looked at religion. Found nothing there. Then I looked at myself... Looked at my precision engineered body. Searched within my soul and heart... Once I did that, I kneeled and answered... You. You, O Supreme. Only You. They believe I'm insane because I cannot show God to them or explain Him... But the Truth is... I'm insane, insane in God and Love... Now and for eternity. For eternity. I shall remain insane... In Love, in God... For eternity.
  4. The precious love... The individuated love. The love for God. The Absolute Love of God Himself. All is love. Love is ever-present, everything. But now, my focus is on individuted love. I am honest with you: I have yet the ability to love all, to love evil doers. I am just a human after all. But I know without a single doubt... Love me, and I will love you... Unconditionaly. For there are no conditions in love. No conditions. But I'm focused, focused on my love... I know she loves me. After all, I gave her my heart. What human could decline that offer? So she gave me her heart. And I know, I know, this love is to die for. In this love... I am not. Existence is not. Even God Himself is not... But there it is, shining like the bright sun... Standing untouched, with no opposite or rival. For eternity. Love. love love love love. Only love....
  5. Sorry bro, couldn't get it away... Well, I quess my time on this precious sub-forum is over. I will play out my new hobby on the journal subforum. You can read my poetry there. Bye enlightenment subforum ?
  6. I remember, my first time smoking weed. The first one to introduce me to spirituality was Leo's video, that one where he said you don't exist and so on. It fascinated me. Made me search for more, this thing called spirituality. So I did and came over Mooji. I followed his meditation tecnique. For the very first time doing it, I saw a bright blue light and feelt intense peace for like 5 seconds, and knew there was more to all this. And indeed, it was... Days after, I was thrown into the supernatural spiritual realm. Lasted about 9 months. Had fun there, realized the miracle of reality. Got the materialist, rationalist and scientific paradigm annihilated. Continued with meditation and self-inquiry hardcore for 2 years. Became directly conscious and connected to God. Another year went by, and here I am now. I know fully well now the question I asked when I was a kid watching this beautiful butterfly in Morocco, who made this? I need nothing more. Time now to be the unique wave that I am. Time to return to earth. Taking it all in, sensing and feeling it all. Just like when I was in sleep. Watching the sunrise while smoking weed. Just taking it all in, becoming aware of the miracle of existence. Looking in my loves eyes and feeling, seeing, becoming conscious and aware of her very soul, and becoming conscious that she sees and is aware of mine. I want to go there... I'm going there... Breath. Love. Freedom. Liberation.... ?❤️
  7. I remember, looking at this beautiful butterfly in Morocco. I asked myself, who created this? Years has went by... What an adventure... Just this question... Almost lost my mind... Now, I know. It was not me. Not me. But who? Would you believe me if I said... GOD? Would you believe me if I said, "I have meet God?" I don't know. I just know most don't. But it doesn't matter. No, it's my direct experience after all. It's my direct experience after all....
  8. Love, beyond the body... But moving it like God would... Beyond everything, but penetrates everything. Beyond grasp, but there it IS. When you love, love is there. In the heart, in your eyes, in your body, in your very self and soul... They ask, "What is all this Creation?" They ask, "Why all this Creation?" Because... Love. Only love. Why do I love you? Why do I love at all? Because of you. Only YOU. Breathe love, feel it, sense it, give it fully, receive it fully... Love... Always, for eternity. For eternity... I will be lost in your eyes, in your love... The materialist say, "Love is a chemical procces in the body." The religious say, "God created it." But I'm blind to that. All I is that this love... Is uncreated, untouched... Existed for... For eternity.
  9. @cetus56 I created a topic, "Poetry - God, Existence, Reality, Spirituality I can't see it anymore... I think it would be nice for everyone to watch my work and put in their own work, etc... I had this creation in mind.... Among others... They ask, "What is God?" Invisible, yet visible. At the very heart of the heart, at the very core of awarness and consciousness... In the butterfly, in the body, in the spiritual, in the flower... There He IS. They say, "I have never meet God." But I say, "I have." In my very heart and soul. In my very direct experience. With my very eyes. When He came to me, and my eyes... Couldn't look. So Supreme, so Pure... He is. Undeniably One, undeniably... GOD.
  10. Tnx, I will definitely look him up. I need to find such beings, aligned with "Cosmic consciousness", aligned with God... And I will try to find something, something online where I can become better. Indeed, just reading others work will help. Never thought about it until now. I can't sleep, have 3 Red Bull in my system, and I can't stop making poetic stuff. This must mean something...
  11. Better than believing myself to be God itself. Better than believing myself to be my own mother. No, I would rather kneel to my Creator. I would rather look in my mother eyes, see the unspeakable her that she is. See and be aware... I am me. She is she. And God is surely God. Love... Tnx, I hope you enjoyed it. It was my pleasure. You can pay me later, jk ? Tnx, you give me a little hope for becoming a poet ❤️ "Cosmic consciousness" What a nice way to put it ? It's not a shame due... But of course, how you see it is your unique perspective... And it's appreciated.
  12. Yeah. I should maybe become a poet. I love writing in poetic ways, I have found out. Indeed, I will. This will be my new hobby. I just need to sign myself to poet school. ?? I remember, when the Supreme came to me. In all His glory. How my face was turned away. How I couldn’t look at Him. The most Supreme. How He gave His Love into me. And how I instantly cried. How I cried, how I feelt... Praise be to God. No man is equal or comparable to Him. No man is Him. Not Him. Not the Supreme. Not... GOD.
  13. This miracle we call life. All of it. The body. The spiritual. The experience. The mind. The love.... Everything. How I was formed, designed, precision engineered in my mother womb. With care, with unspeakable love. So I could be here now. See, feel, be aware and conscious. So I could look at my body, see the design of it to it's very detail. How this is true for you as well. So we could meet as two, interact and love each other. So we could breath the same breath. So we could listen to our same heart beat. Love the same love which penetrates everything. Look into each other eyes. Feel, be aware.... I am me. You are you. What a miracle. What beauty. This love... This creation... This miracle.... Praise be to God. The most High, the most Supreme. I'm in redemption for ever having thought I am Him.... In redemption....
  14. The Atheist sees not God. Saying, "Where is your evidence?" I say, "I am the evidence." I say, "Love itself is the evidence." Look, look at me and my body. Look, feel, be aware and conscious of Love itself. And you will find your evidence. This invisible, this untouched thing... Which can make any man kneel in it's glory. This thing, which penetrates and moves in everything... This Love..... This Love..... This Love.... This love.
  15. Alive because of Love. Which makes me think, this love... who could have created it? It makes me directly conscious of... God. Imagine a world without love. You can't. It would cease to exist. You would cease to exist. I would cease to exist. Don't look for God in the material, how it's designed. Rather, look for God in the metaphysical, go meta, to it's very source. There you will find God. This love... Direct "evidence" of the Supreme. This impossible no-thing. Only the Supreme could create it. Why? Because of God's Absolute Love for All. Because of God... It's a miracle. Look! You are miracle. Look! It's a miracle. This Love......
  16. All I can think about now is that I will soon see my precious love. I can imagine the moment I see her. See her beautiful unique face, see her unique body moving in it's beautiful unique way towards me. Feel the Divine unexplanible feeling, this electric shock of love. Feel it increase as she moves closer to me. Hug her, kiss and feel her unique sweet lips. Feel, be aware of her divine presence. Feel, be aware of her divine individuated self. Look into her eyes, feel and be aware of the unspeakable. The love... It's Everything. It's Untouched. The love.... That's why I'm still alive.....
  17. God doesn't need to awaken to anything. YOU need to awake. To escape from yourself, rather than embracing it. God is beyond need. God is beyond wanting. "God needs to awaken to Himself." "God needs to know Himself." Blasphemy. God IS God. It doesn't matter how God creates, be it through imagination, pure will or whatever. It's enough to know that God exists and is indeed the Creator. GOD IS GOD. YOU ARE YOU. Enjoy this poetry. Take it in, feel it. You are second to God. You are a living breathing being. BE IT. Feel the liberation of all this... Feel the feelings... Breath and feel your breath... ... Liberation ????
  18. This is my last day here on this forum, let me have my fun writing stuff in a poetic way ? The night is still young. I have no plans of sleeping today. I'm awake until it's time to get to job, then meeting my love, eating some pizza, go to her place, make love... Just love. The night is young. I don't like the idea of sleeping. I would rather create, create from scratch, using my magnificent mind. Touch my divine body. Act out my unique personality. Be the precious self-ego that I am. Watch the moon fall down, watch the sun come up... Go to work, interact with other individuated beings. Like it's my last day with them. Go to my love, love her. Like it's my last day. Like it's my very first and last day...
  19. Osho was a legend. Hardcore on the spiritual path. Hardcore on every path. Marriage is for kids, afraid to lose their love so they have to imprison them just in case. I don't want to marry you because I love you. Nope, I'm just afraid. What fun in life if drugs were not created? I think Leo would agree with me on this point ? Drugs. Sex. Fast cars. Money. Hot girls Design, creation at play. Engineering at play... God in action ?
  20. That was my intent. What fun is there in writing without making it seem like a poetry? Life is a poetry. A magical adventure. No point in writing about it, if not in a poetic way ? No point in having sex, if not in a loving way. No point in spirituality, if not in a hardcore way. No point of returning, if not fully. Absolutely... For eternity.
  21. I remember this women a long time ago. She had cancer, about 6 months to live. Careless, a bad girl, reckless. I told her, "I promise you, there is nothing to be afraid of. Death is all good." She said, "I don't care about it. Do you have any drugs?" I said, "No, but I have money. We could buy some weed and smoke." So we did, for the whole week. Sex, smoke - repeat. She is now with the Supreme. But I learned something from here, from her beautiful careless recklessness... I am reckless ?
  22. 8 Indeed. Gamble, gamble like never before. Love, like it's your last day to love. Have sex, feel the stimulus, feel the body, feel the sensations, Feel Her... like it's your first and last time. Imagine, create with your precious mind. Imagine your future, imagine your next day. Make it happen. Act, like no actor in existence can be above your acting. Put on a mask, lie, like you never put on a mask or lied. live. Breath. Love. like it's your last day... Like it's your very last day........
  23. God created this world as it ought and should be. With money, so I could use it on stimulus. With women, so I could have sex rather than having sex with myself. With a body, so I could feel. So I could sense. So I could touch and feel the sensation of touch. So I could listen and feel music. So I could see, see how an ant moves, how it carries tiny stuff, how it's designed. So I could look at a sunset and feel, sense and take it all in. With a mind, so I could dream to infinity. Imagine, create in all possible ways to infinity. With awareness and consciousness, so I could be aware and conscious. Aware and Conscious of all of this. With a unique self, so I could interact with other individuated selfs. With perspective, so I could perceive. In a world, in a earth, within worlds, within earths - so I could move in it. So I could play in it, enjoy all of it. From sleep to awake, from awake back to sleep. From escapism to embrace. From spiritual to human. From God-consciousness to I-consciousness. Full circle. Beautiful. Magical. Magnitude. ..... Liberation. Pure liberation.