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About Nardo

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  1. "IM" NOT THE BEST AT GETTING MY THOUGHTS ACROSS BARE WITH "ME" Little background: •20 year old male, in college, has a girlfriend, produces music, just started smoking weed and self inquiring, own apartment this and that blah blah blah MAJOR EPIPHANY WATCHING LEOS MEANING VIDEO ITS ALL A STORY In order for you to exist you have to be a story. You have to think of yourself in the first place. You created yourself. There's nothing there, there's nothing reading this there's ABSOLUTELY nothing to do in life, nothing to go, nowhere for anyone to go. It's all illusion, every single thing "you do" in life is part of a story. As these thumbs press on this keyboard there is no one doing it just as there is no one reading this WHY!? Because you had to tell yourself that your doing this in the first place in order to justify your "existence". What if................ everything is predetermined and simultaneously every action you do you think of a thought to tell yourself that you did that. NOTICE how to HAVE TO DO STUFF IN LIFE IN ORDER TO FEEL LIKE YOURE THERE EGO NEEDS REASON, ego is the cause for all it's problems and it's not noticeable at all cause you think this is all real. You think your family is precious, you think your job is important, you think you have to live, you think about depression, you think about happiness, DO YOU SEE!!? YOU CLAIM THINGS THAT NEVER EXISTED, no guidelides whatsoever in reality. WHEN THERES NO ONE THERE, nobody is responsible for anything. You didn't achieve that big win. You didn't read this post. You didn't have sex with your spouse. YOU JUST SIMPLY CLAIMED ALL THOSE THINGS. REALITY JUST SIMPLY IS. IS. is the only word to describe it no reason for a "me" posting this stat think of this as reality talking to reality yet I JUST PUT YOU BACK IN THE ILLUSION by presuming there's a you in the first place do whatever is your(realitys) passion is in life. It's double fulfillment when there's no you with all this being said it's like engaging in a false story it bares no weight. THOSE IG FOLLOWERS Bares no weight . That house "you" worked ya whole life for bears no weight. Wasting time bares no weight. Living the best possible life bares no weight. ITS ALL A GAME, look at me game, ya see, YOU NEED RECOGNITION. YOU NEED IT YOU NEED IT YOU NEED IT. Hell the only reason there's a you is because 1. you THINK 2. Therefore you think others think: Let me give this example later.. There's no reason to even speak, learn, communicate or anything. It's all just fundamentally sounds and colors that point to nothing. POINT YOUR FINGER AT THE WALL ,if you did, notice how you "subconsciously" said "you" did that. Now DO IT AGAIN BUT DONT EVEN THINK. Oh wait now look, you just told yourself not to think reinforcing your existence. THE ILLUSION GETS DEEP AND TRICKY. For no one. JUST BECAUSE YOUR AN HUMAN BEING MAKES YOU NO IMPORTANT THAN THE SPECK OF DUST ON THE FLOOR from reality point of view. Come to realitys point of view. Ego hates the meltdown, TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY IS TO LOVE REALITY, 99.99% of all Evil is of ego. THE EGO LOVES TO THINK WHEH IT IS NOT THERE THEN THERES NOTHING BUT VIOLENCE AND LAZYNESS. YOU WANT A LOT OF MONEY TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO IN LIFE AND LIVE COMFORTABLY YET WHEN" YOU" get there......... YOURE TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING TO DO TO ESCAPE BOREDOM. Boredom is SUBCONSCIOUSLY TELLING YOU THAT YOU DONT EXIST 99.99% of the Time SOLITARY = NO AUDIENCE TO SHOWCASE YOURSELF TO THEREFORE NO STORY TO TELL WATCH A MOVIE ON BUDDHA SITTING THERE. It would get 0 stars because there's no story EGO LOVES STORIES YUMMY ' but stories are just stories. REALITY TAKING A CRAP IN YOUR MOM IS COMPLETELY FINE. It's only a problem for "YOU" everything is only a problem for "YOU" THERES NO BIRTH OR DEATH OR MOM OR DAD OR SON OR DAUGHTER ITS ALL A STORY. You told yourself you was born, THEREFORE YOU THINK YOU WILL DIE. Notice how" I" can't refer to anything without using the word you. Don't interpret nada dam thing. look at the letters as shapes. BRAINFART I JUST REINSTILLED A YOU. You cannot fight illusion with illusion because there's no you in the first place. THE BEST PLACE NO ONE CAN GET RN IS WITH A LIFE WITH NO YOU WHICH IS GOD Saying I'm everything therefore nothing is bad. YOURE NOT EVERYTHING IT REINFORCES A YOU. You're nothing. LET THE STORY DIE ALready it's a land of fulfillment. FOR NO ONE BUT [IS] THERES NOTHING U CAN DO MAN THESE WORDS GOTTA SOUND FAMILIAR, yet you try anyway REINFORCING A YOU, LIKE LEO SAID ALL "PROBLEMS" and "addictions still there , but for no one. Example: "I love my mom more than anything" ok so Your selfishness is willing to cast of 7 billion people to save your mom? "Yeah I can't let go of my mom " What will you and your mom talk about, NOTHING THERES NO NEWS NO PEOPLE NO SPORTS MO ENTERTAINMET NOT A SINGLE SOUL FOR THE YOU TO TALK ABOUT TO Make itself feel real NOTHING WILL ALWAYS MELT AWAY YOU. People get on your case about shit because someone else got on their case about shit. EGOS EGOS EGOS I CAN GO ON BUT GET THE GIST WITH THAT BEING SAID THE LOVE FOR MUSIC WAS ALWAYS THERE WITH OR WITHOUT ME. Listen to instrumentals and music and dance with realitys winds ALL SONGS CONTAINING LYRICS IS JUST A STORY EGOS LOVES STORISS ESPECIALLY DEPRESSINV ONES BECAUSE LITTLE EGO CANT CONTROL ITS OWN LIFE SO IT COMPENSATES BY L"IVING" IN YOUR "HEAD" aha nirvana buddy nirvana PEACE LOVE THANKS FOR READING LETS ALL SUPPORT OURSELVES AND PROMOTE EACJ OTHER BECAUSE WE ALL ARE ONE. theres nothing out there to get and there never was. BASK IN THE EMPTINESS OF LIFE AND YOU GET THE PURE JOY OF LIVING...,,. DOING NOTHING WHICH EGO DEMKNIZES AS LAZY. No REASON to Eat sleep crap sex games gamble. ITS ALL for the EGO. Whatever happens SIMPLY [IS] so simple so simple. NOTICE HOW YOU BEG FOR ATTENTION "YOU" EVEN THINK THERES VALUE IN PEOPLE IGNORING YOU HENCE WHY WE HAVE CELEBRITIEZ whatever this is keeps typing but it's best to stop cause this is not my thought process now. "I" can't and will never be able to communicate this shit. I TRIED WITH "MY" GIRL It makes completely no sense.. EGOLESS LANGUAGE LESS WORLD = orgys no ego to get in the way of getting down to business OBSERVE ANIMals DOGS GO STRAIGHT TO HUMPING THERS NO DOG TAKING ANOTHER DOG OUT TO EAt. LIVE IN REALITY EGOLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ITS INFINITE