Edogowa Conan

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Everything posted by Edogowa Conan

  1. @Pernani I’m still doing the practice everyday. I’m noticing a barrier that is being drawn between my internal state and the external world. My internal state is becoming more and more independent of the external world of forms. As for enlightenment, I’m not enlightened yet but I’m seeing in my daily experience that the arbitrary boundaries that I’ve set on reality is starting to disappear. Usually during the day I have moments where I see no difference between subjective and objective reality. Other times I have glimpses of myself not being separate from the external world. My results are now starting to grow more exponentially.
  2. I’ve realised that recently, I’ve been in many situations where I become aware of the difference between my thoughts about the situation, and the situation itself. Sometimes, I’m present in a situation without my thoughts about it, just experiencing it as it is. I feel that with The Work, I’m coming closer to a point where I can experience life without any of my thoughts about it.
  3. It’s been a month, and I’ve been doing The Work every single day since. Today, during the session, I became conscious that the only reason this world wasn’t paradise was because of the negative thoughts I was believing about it. And that if I wrote down all those thoughts on paper, and questioned them, then I would be living in paradise. I saw how my journey through The Work would end. For the next hour after that realisation, I was simply basking in ecstasy (bliss is too light of a word) of seeing how this process would end with me questioning all the negative thoughts. My motivation has become stronger now than ever. I want to reach that stage where I’m believing no negative thoughts about the world, and I’m in complete rapture from that moment all the way through to my death.
  4. @mohdanas @Leo Gura in Leo’s paranormal video he mentioned heaven and hell as real. I’d love to know how to experience heaven. But it’s too good to be true I guess.
  5. @Monkey-man no, that was a separate discussion. Basically when he was younger he didn’t plan on living long so he used his energies very uncaringly and that aged him a lot (in 8-9 months he aged 25-30 years). It also damaged his body. But later on, he decided he wanted to live longer, so he started to recover his body.
  6. @Leo Gura India has the longest experience with spirituality than anywhere else in the world. Zen and other types of Buddhism all came from India. And even if nirvikalpa samadhi doesn’t kill you, it’s a good precaution to wear that snake ring.
  7. @Speedscarlet Leo’s book list should have some
  8. I wonder from what basis sadhguru is talking from. How would he know that passionate people die young? But, it does make sense. When I'm passionate my chest heats up and my heartbeats are faster. But I'm sure that meditation or contemplation can help with that as well. Doesn't have to be yoga.
  9. What are you talking about. I do want to be happy. Everybody does. That's just a fact.