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About NotKnowing

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  1. @charlie2dogs Can you also help me as well? I am feeling a little lost in my journey.
  2. I almost forgot I had a thing called intuition. Thanks for reminding me and getting me back in touch with it! I feel like sitting down and meditating more frequently for longer periods of time will alleviate my turbulent mind, and help me get a feel for what is most important. Experimenting with both types of work and seeing which path has more heart is also a viable strategy to incorporate. Thanks for the advice.
  3. Life purpose takes many years to accomplish - so does enlightenment. Do I actualize my life purpose after many years - and then pursue enlightenment, or do I make finding my existential true self my first priority and then my life purpose will follow after? Is it even a practical strategy to pursue both? If I was pursuing both at the same time, which of these would take higher precedence - actualizing my life purpose or enlightenment? In addition to that, my personal life has a lot of holes. I have many flaws and things left unfulfilled. For example: I've never gotten in a relationship, I don't have very many friends. - My question is: shouldn't I go through the motions of fulfilling and satisfying my material desires - like learning social skills and making friends, improving my self-esteem and confidence, going through and enjoying university life, getting into a relationship, improving my public speaking (my life purpose) and maybe perhaps getting to know the joys of raising a family or traveling in the future - before I ultimately unplug and drop go of all those desires to go out and search for my true existential self? Which one has a higher importance here - realizing my life purpose/material desires or enlightenment? What is the optimum strategy here if my goal in life is to live the most satisfying and fulfilling life possible - the self-actualized life? I'm very open and willing to listen, and consider every opinion. I'm 18 years old yet I know that my life is short and I feel like I'm going through a midlife crisis. My apologies for being neurotic and asking a barrage of rapid-fire questions.
  4. Holy shit, this is insanely accurate.
  5. What are some books/resources that I can buy that will help me learn about mindfulness, shadow work and NLP?
  7. Share your favorite: - Books - Music - Videos/Clips - Audio programs - Films/Documentaries/Movies - Quotes - Pictures and Images - Forums (example: GetMotivated subreddit) - Video programs - Seminars - TV Shows/Anime - Speeches - Any other medium I haven't mentioned. Let's get some ideas rolling. ☺