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About Andrew93

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  1. Hey everybody, what's up? Hope everything is going well! So, I'll try to get to the point quickly. 1 year and a half ago, I've made this tattoo on the chest, and it was a really poor decision (on design, positioning, meaning, etc) supported by a stupid impatience to have a new tattoo soon and at the time, total unawareness of my inner feelings. I was a teen working and going with the trend of some friends doing tattoos, and being a teenager with some cash and unawareness usually means shit happening. I've self developed myself quite a lot compared to that time, and although it's covered by my shirt, I still hate seeing it at the mirror when I'm shirtless. And I hate myself not only for the bad decision, but to not be able to get through this, to just accept it or to spend a lot of cash to remove it. I'm ashamed of getting laid or to take off my shirt because of it, and it's one thing that holds me back a lot in my self actualization. The worst part is that all of this is me sabotaging myself without finding a way out and getting depressed at the end. The only thing good that happened few days ago was thinking like: "I'm gonna get new tattoos. But they will be soo fucking great and cool and I will be so satisfied with my choice that nobody will care about this tiny piece of crap". But even so, I'm still not confident about this thought. So, do any of you have ever went through this or have any advice regarding moving on at this specific situation? Thanks for taking your time! (Note: It was not my first tattoo, and I love inking my body. My 1st is something I really enjoy having on my body. Or used to enjoy until I've made this mistake) (Note²: I've went to a experienced tattoo artist and he said that a cover-up would be hard in a black tattoo, for anyone thinking about it).