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About soh

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  1. Hi. I got into journal writing years ago, feelings opinions, inspirations, insight etc. But for a long time it was an anger confusion and hate journal now that i look back at man of those terrible days. Naturally the style is very difficult to follow as it was just raw thoughts pouring out on page. Not that i find myself finally able to step back and read some of it, i find it many times rambling and fragmented musings etc. Is there a way to work with something like this? It's thousands of pages of content and i'm sure there must be some value beyond it having just been cathartic. I came across an NLP technique recently where one takes some challenging time and imagines as a movie in reverse to dissociate the emotion or vice verse for positive experiences. I suppose a journal would make a good starting place to remember.
  2. @Extreme Z7 Hi good to know your interest in music. Maybe we can do a collaboration. I've got myself a Yamaha 453psr and very happy with being able to use it for composition. is a good site. I came across music as a hobby actually during my self dev journey. Quite late....but that's another story. As far as your journal i did keep one since 2001 and what you say about seeing it after 10 years is a great idea to see how your development has progressed and see recurring emotional patterns, as well as seeing them dissolve. Good Luck! If anyone out there has ideas on editing an old old journal please let me know.
  3. I took Leo's life purpose course and actually came to two life purposes. One of which was self mastery. I must admit I've become quite an expert when It comes to this and have over the course of 20 plus years dealt with difficult life experiences which made me consider becoming a coach. The problem I have is that this far it's all been about helping myself and when I ask myself the following questions I get these answers. 1. Can I do it and be good at it. Yes (at least the productivity, inspire through big pic thinking, mindfulness part) 2. Will i have challenges earning money from it and doing sales. Yes. 3. Do I really care to help others or inspire them to be their greatest self? Not beyond my own kids. So my question is since I do need to earn a living should I consider this development work which I have background and accumulated experience in. Or choose something else which I'm more excited about which is more new but i doubt my skills in, and on top of it would still have sales challenges. One concept that this relates to is the idea of authentic contribution and making a difference. When it comes to self development is it bad to sell self dev almost like one sells widgets. I can see how it might confuse and confound one into thinking not only that they are a bad person but also that they are a bad salesperson if they fail. Might there be other pitfalls or strategies to understand self dev as business concept?