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About Eryk

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  1. Meditation - 5/20 ULPC - 20/45 Book - 0/30 Eating clean done right
  2. Meditation - 4/20min ULPC - 30/45min Book - 0/30min Eating clean done right Same goals for tomorrow.
  3. Well, I did almost nothing productive today. I meditated for about 5 mins, rest of the day i spent playing videogames, watching yt and being bored. At least my eating was clean. Goals for tomorrow: Meditation - 20 mins + ULPC - 45 mins + Book - 30 mins + Eating clean
  4. @DawnOfReality complete fail, I by far got off from track. About this challenge thing, I'm not sure if I'll be doing something like this again. What I'm sure is that I'm minimizing entertaiment in my life .I recommend you watching this vid, it got my ass motivated! PS: thanks for reminding me of this journal, I might start writing it again.
  5. 25/07/2017 Daily minimum: - 30 min of ulpc, - meditation, - proper diet, Also take care of eyesight and posture. After finishing gothic 3 I'm going to do No Distractions Challange. Something like this : no PC, no internet, no tv and so on. For 30 days. This will let me focus on productive stuff.
  6. 24/07/2017 Complete fail Did not meditate
  7. 23/07/2017 Fail. Only meditation done. Moving tasks on tomorrow.
  8. 22/07/2017 Posture improving habits and exercises Meditation 20 min Diet - eating grilled food at late evening Work out Restricting distractions to 60 min - didn't manage to respect this limit, but i wasted much less time than yesterday, 60 minutes does not make that that lazy as 120 minutes. Vision improving Working with ULPC Studying "Mastery" 54/80 ~~ 67% More specific tasks for tomorrow : - Summarize at least 3 chapters of "Mastery". - Check value list, is everything tangible enough? Everything feels authentic? - Finish Values Assessment Pass #7, - Look for job offers, - Clean your room, do some more houseworks if necessary.
  9. 21/07/2017 I had a lil contemplation on caring about what other people think. One's opinion can be either true or not true. If it's true then I'm willing to accept that and work on it if necessary. If it's not true then It shouldn't bother me, the only thing I might do is to help with getting clarity on it. For example - If someone says that my mother is a bitch, then I don't give a shit. I might tell him that she is not. Posture improving habits and exercises Meditation 20 min Diet Restricting distractions to 120 min Vision improving Working with ULPC Studying "Mastery" 48/70 ~ 68% 120 minutes is too much, I'm setting limit to 60 min, if it won't work I'll quit gaming and youtube (at least for a few months)
  10. 20/07/2017 Posture improving habits and exercises - too much sitting, rest was fine Meditation 20 min Working out Diet Restricting distractions to 120 min - failed terribly, got on youtube streak Vision improving - ignoring 20/20/20 rule after some time, too much time spent in front of screen Working with ULPC - not much work done, but finally I progressed Studying "Mastery" Overall 62/80 ~ 77% Wasted a lot of time today. Thought of useful concept - dividing learning book on 3 stages : reading > studying > implementing
  11. Forgive me if I'm wrong but... Can't you try to somehow accept this resistance? You seem like you're really trying hard to get rid of it. When I had troubles with my own psyche, I decided to accept them and not to give them that much attention, it worked nicely.
  12. 19/07/2017 Posture improving habits and exercises Meditation 20 min Working out Diet Restricting distractions to 120 min Vision improving Working with ULPC Studying "Mastery" Overall score 68/80 Not bad, I'm quite satisfied with today results even though I could take over the world with amount of free time I had today. Maybe if I had less free time available I'd become more efficient (hopefully). I should focus more on working with course so I can finally pass this Values Assessment on which I'm being stuck for months...
  13. Hopefully, writing this journal will help me get some clarity on my life. I've noticed that time passes really fast while I'm not getting enough stuff done. I'm drowning too deep in time-wasting activities such as playing video games and watching useless youtube videos. Sometimes I'm even impressed by how good I am at wasting time. Good part is that I'm on a good way to establish meditation habit (almost 50 days of daily meditation done) + I'm working out and keeping decent diet consistently since like 3 weeks. I really want to stop lazing and improve the quality of my life so there are some things I want to focus on this summer : Establishing meditation habit, Improving my posture, Restoring clear vision, Working out consistently, Keeping a decent diet, Progressing in finding my purpose, Reading and studying self-help books, Therefore I commit myself to : Meditating daily for at least 20 minutes, Changing my sitting, standing, walking and sleeping habits and also exercising on daily basis, Maintaining daily routine for improving vision + improving my vision habits, At least once in three days, at least three times a week, Keeping a decent diet , Properly working with ULPC everyday, Spending at least 30 minutes with a book everyday. Spending maximally 2 hours a day on distractions. Monitoring my results and consistently writing them here, Let's go boy!